Thursday September 26th, 2019
Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today
Welcome to the Library!
Period Two- CHW3M
Mr. Kosowan’s Grade 11 Ancient Civilization class will be coming to the Library to research for their TripAdvisor assignment.
Your assignment is here:
TripAdvisorWe suggest you use the resources Mr. Kosowan has recommended in your assignment handout as well as:
The Library Catalogue allows you remote access to our print, digital and streaming resources from anywhere at any time. To access this resource, you’ll simply need your TDSB log-in information.
Instead of just going to Google, you’d all be well-served to consult the following databases as well.
Fordham Ancient History Sourcebook
As part of your presentation, you will need to show your sources in a Bibliography using Chicago style. Remember that your audience needs to see what’s on your slide, so make sure that you choose a suitable font & size.
You may need to refer to Laurier’s handy Chicago Style handout. The file can be found right here at Chicago Citation at Laurier.
An example of a slide would look like this: