Wednesday, February 9th, 2022
Period 2 – HSP3U with Ms. Wray
Today, we’ll be discussing APA citation and looking at the use of academic databases.

APA Citation
This form of citation helps students show the source of their research and is quite simple to accomplish. We’ll talk about how we write a References list together in class and talk about why its important to know how to do properly.
You can download our APA Primer in PDF form Here, or view it below in your browser’s PDF viewer.
The-APA-Working-FileDatabases and Research
- The AP Source found HERE provides students with excellent peer-reviewed journals with tools to help organize and cite research. It’s the most powerful database we have.
- The Library Catalogue provides you with remote access to our digital and streaming media collection. It also allows you to search the print collection to see what books will be available for circulation.
- We’ll also discuss how to use our Academic Databases and how to find passwords if working virtually.