Wednesday, October 26th, 2022
In Period 4, Ms. Nikkel’s ATC3/4M Dance Class will be coming into the Library to research their Dance Style Research Assignment.

The TDSB Virtual Library’s Dance Guide
The Library Services team at Tippett Centre has put together a list of resources to help the Dance Enthusiast and those who just happen to be taking dance classes. Filled with lots of videos, research tools and databases, this is a great place to start.

Queensborough Community College : Dance Resources
This New York State based community college has a great series of links to consult when studying dance, as well as some they suggest avoiding! That’s some added value! There’s links for database and many other resources too!

Yeah, that’s right… Wikipedia is not without use. When students piggyback off the References from Wikipedia, students can really get a head start with some solid information.