Remember that the databases are password-protected and some of the passwords have changed since last year. You will need to be logged into AW to access these resources. Look for the orange Passwords & Info icon in the Virtual Library if you’re researching at home.
You’ll see this at the top of the Virtual Library page.
APA Citation This form of citation helps students show the source of their research and is quite simple to accomplish. We’ll talk about how we write a References list together in class and talk about why its important to know how to do properly.
The AP Source found HERE provides students with excellent peer-reviewed journals with tools to help organize and cite research. It’s the most powerful database we have.
The Library Catalogue provides you with remote access to our digital and streaming media collection. It also allows you to search the print collection to see what books will be available for circulation.
We’ll also discuss how to use our Academic Databases and how to find passwords if working virtually.
SickKids, & World Health Organization as well as some foundations directly related to the condition have useful and credible information as well.
Remember that the databases are password-protected and some of the passwords have changed since last year. You will need to be logged into AW to access these resources. Look for the orange Passwords & Info icon in the Virtual Library.
You’ll see this at the top of the Virtual Library page.
Slide Presentation and Citing Images
Your slide presentation needs visuals which in turn need to be cited in APA. In this situation you need to reference the source of the visual and unfortunately stating Google Images as the source will not suffice.
Simply put, you may NOT cite Google. It is a search engine, not a source. You have to dig deeper to cite images that are found through Google.
Here are a couple of short videos that may help you in this process, both of which I have permission to share with you.
The first one is valuable in that it shows where to find images that are free to be used in Google.
The second one shows how to cite images that may or may not have all of the information that you need.
These videos give slightly different information in terms of the placement of the date. The first video shows the date placed immediately after the creator’s name and no mention of the type of image.
The second video shows the creator’s name, the type of work and then the date.
Which one is accurate? The main difference is that the creator’s role (photographer) is mentioned in the second video as well as the type of image [photograph].
Note: if the image does not have a title, describe the image and put that description in square brackets.
Brock University and Simon Fraser University also have included great examples of citing images that you can reference as well.
From Brock U. 7.2: Using Images on Slides
If you use images, such as photographs or clipart, on your slides, you should also credit the source of the image. Do not reproduce images without permission. There are sources for clipart and images that are “public use” according to Creative Commons licensing such as:
Photographs are treated as figures in APA Style. Therefore, the citation for the source of the image is included as a footnote in the figure caption underneath the photograph which includes the figure number and a description. The source of the image obtained is attributed using the following model:
Figure 1. Blah blah blah. From Title of Image, by Author, Year. Retrieved from URL.
Another option for citing image sources is to create a separate slide titled “Photo credits” or “Image Sources”. For more assistance on the various ways to cite images in presentations (but not necessarily in APA format), see:
How to credit photos ( Provides examples of various ways to credit image sources in Powerpoint, on webpages, and in print materials.
For more assistance in creating figures in APA Style, see the following sections & pages of the Publication Manual, 6th edition:
2.12 Footnotes (pages 37 -38)
5.20 – 5.25 Figures (pages 150 – 167)
Now that you know what you’re looking for, there are lots of places to look for images or illustrations for this assignment that are covered by Creative Common licenses which means that you can share and edit the material as long as you give appropriate credit.
Period 1 – Ms. Papoutsis’ CGC1D (Grade 9 Geography)
Greetings geographers and welcome to the Library.
Today, you’re looking at Landforms, which you’ll need to use Laurier’s Virtual Library to research.
Luckily, your teacher has given you the URLs needed on the handouts; so that’s pretty easy to navigate!
Our focus together, that’ll be upon discussing APA citation.
This form of citation helps students show the source of their research and is quite simple to accomplish. We’ll talk about how we write a References list together.
Today, we’ll be discussing APA citation and looking at the use of academic databases.
APA Citation This form of citation helps students show the source of their research and is quite simple to accomplish. We’ll talk about how we write a References list together in class and talk about why its important to know how to do properly.
You can download our APA Primer in PDF form Here, or view it below in your browser’s PDF viewer.
The AP Source found HERE provides students with excellent peer-reviewed journals with tools to help organize and cite research. It’s the most powerful database we have.
The Library Catalogue provides you with remote access to our digital and streaming media collection. It also allows you to search the print collection to see what books will be available for circulation.
We’ll also discuss how to use our Academic Databases and how to find passwords if working virtually.
Google might lead you down some useful paths, but for the most part; it can be inefficient. Try looking at associations your chosen person was affiliated with. Look at Professional, National, Regional or Municipal Sports Halls of Fame when looking at individuals associated with Canadian sport. Did you know there’s even a Scarborough Walk of Fame? Even the smaller facilities or halls of fame will include short biographies of these people.
Resources for the PLF4M
For this assignment, you will be using the APA school of citation. Remember that includes in-text citation and a References page at the end of the essay. We’ll go over the APA rules of formatting in depth on your second day with us.
The file discussed with the class for easy access can be found here
Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Mr. Kosowan or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.
Period Four- CHW3M
Mr. Kosowan’s Grade 11 Ancient Civilization class will be coming to the Library to research for their Culminating assignment: Time Travelling Tourism Campaign.
We suggest you use the following resources :
The Library Catalogue allows you remote access to our print, digital and streaming resources from anywhere at any time. To access this resource, you’ll simply need your TDSB log-in information.
In the Virtual Library, using the Search feature, indicating Grades 9-12, check EBSCO’s History database.
Instead of just going to Google, we advise that you consult the following databases as well.
Fordham University has created an Internet Sourcebook that provides primary source documents different civilizations and eras across History.
The Catalogue will also will allow you on-site and remote access to our Print, Electronic and Streaming Video Collection. You can also access the CBC archives through this portal, which has a great deal of resources.
For Science assignments, you will be using the APA school of citation. Remember that a References list at the end of the essay.
Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Mr. Kosowan or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.
Ms. Williams’s Nutrition class is working in the Library on their Media Review Assignment.
The Library’s Databases
TheAdvanced Placement Source would be a great resource for this assignment. It provides access to academic journals and sources for which you would otherwise have to pay.
Also, Canadian Points of View and Global Viewpoints, which can be found at the same link above, provide exactly what their titles claim. They would be incredibly useful.
Another valuable source would be the Vanier Institute of the Family, which has an awful interface but excellent research on mental health and its impact upon families.
The Catalogue will also will allow you on-site and remote access to our Print, Electronic and Streaming Video Collection. You can also access the CBC archives through this portal, which has a great deal of resources.
For this assignment, you will be using the APA school of citation. Remember that includes in-text citation and a References page at the end of the essay. We’ll go
The file discussed with the class for easy access can be found here The APA Working File.
Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Mr. Kosowan or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.
In terms of research, we might suggest you use the following sites:
The Canadian Encyclopedia houses articles on many famous Canadian leaders and also provides related articles and links too.
There are incredibly useful databases found on the Virtual Library site. I’d suggest you look at the Advanced Placement Source.
JSTOR provides students with a powerful and easy-to-use database for academic pursuit.
The Toronto Star Historic Database, which can be found on the Toronto Public Library’s Website, allows readers to access articles from the newspaper’s archives.
You’re expected to complete a Reference list using APA format. We’ve created a Laurier-friendly primer on citing with APA, so please use this file found at APA Citation PDF.
Also, for interview referencing, follow the instructions from APA HERE:
For email referencing, follow the instructions from APA HERE:
Good luck and if you need any help, please feel free to ask.
In terms of research, we might suggest you use the following sites: is a robust series of resources that support the studies of African History in North America, Europe and Globally as well. The google custom search feature at the top of the page makes navigating the website quite easy.
African History Month provides accessible articles about important people and events in African American history.
The Canadian Encyclopedia houses articles on many of the names found on your assignment, and also provides related articles and links too.
There are incredibly useful and age-appropriate databases found on the Virtual Library site. (I.e., they’re not too basic and they’re not University Graduate level hard) I’d suggest you look at Canadian Points of View, Global Issues in Context and the Advanced Placement Source.
You’re expected to complete a Reference list using APA format. We’ve created a Laurier-friendly primer on citing with APA, so please use this file found at APA Citation PDF.
Good luck and if you need any help, please feel free to ask.
Ms. Sandoval-Castro’s Grade 12 Canadian & World Issues class is working in the Library on their Essay. The specifics of what is expected can be found HERE.
From what we understand, students are writing an essay about a Global Issue.
The Library’s Databases
TheAdvanced Placement Source would be a great resource for this assignment. It provides access to academic journals and sources for which you would otherwise have to pay.
Also, Canadian Points of View and Global Viewpoints, which can be found at the same link above, provide exactly what their titles claim. They would be incredibly useful.
The Catalogue will also will allow you on-site and remote access to our Print, Electronic and Streaming Video Collection. You can also access the CBC archives through this portal, which has a great deal of resources.
For this assignment, you will be using the APA school of citation. Remember that includes in-text citation and a References page at the end of the essay. We’ll go
The file discussed with the class for easy access can be found here The APA Working File.
Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Mr. Kosowan or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.