Tuesday October 17th, 2023

Period 3 CLN4U (Ms. Maharaj)

Today we will review how to create a Works Cited list as well as how to embed quotes within an essay/report following MLA school of citation

In English classes past you may have cited novels or short stories or poems parenthetically using MLA, which involves the author’s last name and page number from the text. For your law assignment, you will likely be using online sources and therefore will NOT be using page numbers.

Just a few reminders:

To embed quotes, there are a few simple guidelines to remember:

  1. No lonely quotes!
  2. Run-In and/or Run-Out
  3. Peppering a quote

Your parenthetical citations will form a “roadmap” for your teacher that will take them to your Works Cited page.

Therefore, you will need to include a Works Cited page using  MLA school of Citation. It is crucial to properly reference information that is not your own in order to give credit where it’s due and also to avoid PLAGIARISM.

Here is a handy video that gives a good visual of how to embed quotes in MLA. One change in the video is that you will create a Works Cited page, not a bibliography. Some people use the term interchangeably.

Using the following information will put you on the right track to creating a Works Cited page to be proud of!

Below you’ll find the Laurier Guide for MLA Citation.


Finally, when in doubt, OWL Purdue is a great resource for all of your citation needs.

Friday September 23rd, 2022

Period 1

Ms. Jackson-Breininger-CLN4U-Grade 12 Law

Your task is to find a current news article has legal significance, either domestic (Canadian) or international and that falls under any governing body.

Besides referring to newpapers, have a look at the following links for current events:

The Lawyer’s Daily

Latest Legal News


You will need to reference your article in the proper format and the following links explain what that should look like in terms of footnoting and bibliography.

Link to OJEN’s Citation Guide (based on the “McGill Guide”)

Quick Guide to Citing Legal Sources (Durham College, School of Justice and Emergency Services, also based on the “McGill Guide”)

Pay special attention to information on pages 5, 17, 22 & 23 as well as the checklist on page 27.


Monday February 10th, 2020

Welcome to the Library and Learning Commons!

Period 2 – CHC2D

Mr. Philippou’s Grade 10 History class will be reviewing the basics of using Chicago style of Citation. It is crucial to properly reference information that is not your own in order to give credit where it’s due and also to avoid PLAGIARISM. Providing your teacher with a URL for a website used unfortunately will not cut it anymore.

Using the following information will put you on the right track to creating bibliographies and footnotes to be proud of!

Below you’ll find the Laurier Guide for Chicago Citation.

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Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Ms. Kelso or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.

Look at this slide show for basics on how/where/when to use the Footnotes.

Also, here is an example essay file called From the dawn of time where you see how footnotes work.

Period 3 – HZT 4U

Mr. Philippou’s Philosophy class is coming in to refresh their memories of the basics of using Chicago style of Citation.

You’re now all experts (right?) in terms of creating a Bibliography. Congratulations. That’s no small feat.

The next step is to master the Footnote.

While a Bibliography provides your reader with a list of every resource you utilized, a Footnote shows from where every piece of research originated. 

These footnotes should correspond with what you find in the Bibliography.

Below you’ll find the Laurier Guide for Chicago Citation.

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Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Ms. Kelso or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.

Look at this slide show for basics on how/where/when to use the Footnotes.

Also, here is an example essay file called From the dawn of time where you see how footnotes work.

In terms of research, the following databases as well as the Virtual Library are a good start.

HZT4U Resources

Period 4-CLN4U

Ms. Gaudette’s Grade 12 Law class will be coming to the library to research legal philosophers.

Here are some links to primary sources that you might find useful:

Classical and Medieval Sources of Natural Law

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Fordham University’s Modern History Sourcebookh

Don’t forget to refresh your memory of Chicago style bibliography!

Below you’ll find the Laurier Guide for Chicago Citation.

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Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Ms. Kelso or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.

Friday September 13th, 2019

Period 2-CLN4U

Ms. Gaudette’s Grade 12 Law class will be coming to the library to research legal philosophers.

Here are some links to primary sources that you might find useful:

Classical and Medieval Sources of Natural Law

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Fordham University’s Modern History Sourcebookh

Don’t forget to refresh your memory of Chicago style bibliography!

Below you’ll find the Laurier Guide for Chicago Citation.

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Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Ms. Kelso or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.

Wednesday May 1st, 2019

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Period 2 – CLN4U

Ms. Gaudette’s Grade 12 Law class will be coming to the Library to work on their culminating presentation.
A PDF of your assignment is found below.


Ms. Gaudette recommends using Amnesty International‘s website as a good starting point for research.

To access some quality print and media resources, use our Catalogue; found on the Virtual Library. The Catalogue also provides you access to streaming video and other electronic resources. When off site,  you’ll need to log in with your TDSB information.

Resources for the CLN4U

Remember that simply typing your topic into a search bar will yield middling results. Think about all the synonyms for your search terms and you’ll be able to find excellent resources.

You will be using the 17th updated version of the Chicago Manual of Style.

Yes, there is now a 17th Edition. Which means the old PDF or printout you’ve used in the past is now obsolete. You are welcome to take it out of your binder and (safely and neatly) throw it into the Blue Bin.

The new file can be found right here at Chicago Citation at Laurier.

The basics are unchanged, but we feel that this new resource will provide you with a thorough overview of the expectations laid out by the 17th Edition of the Chicago Manual of Style.

Look at this slide show for basics on how/where/when to use the Footnotes.

Here is an example essay file called From the dawn of time where you see how footnotes work.

You may also be using pictures and videos and therefore you will need to cite them as well. When in doubt remember that OWL Purdue is a great resource.

Tuesday February 12, 2019

Period 1

Ms. Gaudette’s CLN4U class will be coming to the library to continue to research.

Here are some links to primary sources that you might find useful:




Don’t forget to refresh your memory of Chicago style bibliography!

Below you’ll find the Laurier Guide for Chicago Citation.

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Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Ms. Kelso or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.