Monday, June 12th, 2023

Greetings to the IB Grade 11s!

Today, we’ll spend time preparing an Annotated Bibliography for you to discuss with your mentor.

This annotated bibliography will help you frame your research and provide content for you and your mentor to discuss regarding your research progress.

Just Do It Ted Lasso GIF by Apple TV

Hopefully, you’ll have a list of sources you’ve consulted (some useful, some less so) that will highlight the hard work you’ve accomplished thus far in the journey.

What you have to do

You will create an Annotated Bibliography by June 16th to present to your mentor.

What’s that you ask? Well, an annotated bibliography is a list of sources (books, journals, websites, periodicals, etc.,) that one has used when researching a topic. An annotation is a summary or an evaluation of that source.

1. You should use the school of citation that is utilized by your particular subject area.

 a. Biology, Chemistry, Physics – APA
b. Mathematics – APA
c. Economics – Chicago
d. History – Chicago
e. Psychology – APA
f. English Literature – MLA
g. French – Le style MLA

2. Your annotation should include the following:

  1. Summarize – What are the arguments, what conclusions does the author make, what topics are covered in the article?
  2. Assess – Will this article be helpful (how and why? How does it compare to other sources used? What is the goal of this source? If it wasn’t useful; why not?
  3. Reflect – How does this sources fit into your research? How does it shape your argument/understanding of your topic? Did it change/alter your approach to the process?

3. Ensure that you have a minimum of 4 sources in your annotated bibliography. [With the exception of English Literature]

You should also upload the Annotated Bibliography to your RRS on Managebac, so you can use it as a catalyst for reflections.

Also, remember to use your time effectively. The stronger the foundation of this paper is in June; the easier your September/October will be!

Tailored Real Estate Group construction smooth foundation concrete GIF

Monday, May 29th, 2023

Welcome back for your 2nd day in the Library

We’ll be talking about how to communicate with your mentor in a way that will build those interpersonal skills as well as make sure they’re looking forward to seeing you and your ideas!

Notes on the process
The Student-Mentor Relationship | Sir Wilfrid Laurier C.I. Library & Learning Commons (

The Reflection Process
The Reflection Process | Sir Wilfrid Laurier C.I. Library & Learning Commons (

Using Managebac with your E.E.

Using Managebac – Student Edition | Sir Wilfrid Laurier C.I. Library & Learning Commons (

Friday, May 26th, 2023 – Workshop I

Hello Year One IB Peoples,

Word is you were assigned Mentors on Thursday and you’re ready to get things started for your Extended Essay.

Its Time Sport GIF by UFC

There are 3 workshops you’ll be taking this spring to prepare you for the E.E.

Workshop One: May 26th – Researching and Getting Ready for your E.E.

So you have a Subject and a Mentor. Let’s talk about how to start.

Have you done the following…?

  • Emailed the mentor to introduce yourself
  • Think about what your interests are within the subject area
  • Read over the E.E. Subject Guide
  • Looked over ManageBac

Our focus today will be directed to how to start “researching” for this subject.

We’ll discuss Databases, Search Engines and avenues for research.

There’s also two skill builders provided:

Well Formulated Research Questions

Well Formulated Research Questions (English Literature Edition)

Next week we’ll talk about how to approach the relationship with your Mentor to ensure that you put yourself in a position to succeed with the E.E.

Tuesday, May 31st and June 1st, 2022

Good morning scholars and welcome back to the Library

Periods 1 & 2 – IB. Cohort – Class of 2023

Today, the Grade 11 Cohort will be coming down to discuss research tactics and resources to prepare for the upcoming Extended Essays.


Subject Specific Guides
The I.B. writes subject-specific guides to help students and mentors navigate the specifics for their subject. There, you’ll find information that will help you with initial reading and research on the way to crafting a Research Question. It’s a great resource!

The Virtual Library and Advanced Placement Source
The TDSB has spent lots of money on some very good resources. I’d especially recommend Advanced Placement Source. We’ll talk a bit about how to find off-site passwords and cover the mechanics of this Database and how to use it effectively.

Toronto Public Library Resources
The TPL has subscriptions to Academic OneFile and JSTOR, which are both excellent resources for your research. To access them, you’ll need your Toronto Public Library login/password. If you don’t have one yet, there’s no time like the present, and there’s a branch at the plaza!

Secondary Resources for Papers
While this might apply for all students, it’s important to remember that many of the E.E. topics require an examination of what “the field” has to say about the topic. Whether that’s analyzing what historians say about a particular era, or literary theorists might say about Dickensian fiction; you’ll need to look at “the experts”. By looking at some of the databases found on the Virtual Library or TPL, you can find what the experts in your field have to say about issues relating to your Research Question. Addressing those expert opinions in your paper is an incredibly sound strategy, and you’re all highly encouraged to look for that kind of research. We can go over some of the tips/tricks for finding that.

Citation Resources
At Laurier, we have locally created materials that cover the APA, MLA and Chicago schools of citation. You should utilize those guides to help support your citation. Another valuable resources is OWL @ Purdue, which we also consult with citation-related inquiry as Teacher-Librarians.

Subject Reports
The I.B. releases Subject Reports on a semi-annual basis to provide feedback to IB Schools, Mentors and future writers of the Essay. Here, for you, can you find a ZIP file with oodles of great information on what to do and what not to do.

2018 Reports (ZIP File)

2021 Reports (ZIP File)

Tuesday, June 6th – Extended Essay Workshop

Welcome Year One IB Students,

Today we’ll be using the Extended Essay Guide, found on the top bar of this website.

All students will be provided with time to work on their Extended Essays and ask questions.

When I am confronted with questions about the E.E., for which I don’t have answers I go to the IB Guide found HERE.

Thursday, November 9

Extended Essay Formatting Workshop

Good morning scholars.

Remember that the presentation and appearance of your Extended Essay are worth a considerable 4/34 marks. Please ensure that your Essay meets those parameters.

Attached you can find the files covered in today’s lunchtime session.

EE Formatting

Sample PDFs
Sample Table of Contents
Sample Title Page


For help with your citation and referencing, please remember to consult with Mr. Kosowan, Ms. Vilicic or your mentor. You can also look at OWL @ Purdue for more help.

The MLA Working File
The APA Working File
Chicago – Student Guide


Here are the only external links regarding the E.E. you should look at.
Assessment of the Extended Essay
Subject Specific Guidance
The Reflection Process and Submission

Also remember, if you never need help with the Extended Essay or are feeling overwhelmed; contact Mr. Kosowan or your mentor.