Wednesday, November 22

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Period 1 – HSP3U

Ms. Magson’s class is back for a second period. Please check yesterday’s lesson for the resources provided.


Period 2/3/4 – CGC1D

Mr. Grosney’s class will be working on ARC GIS.

ARC GIS For Schools is your portal to the service.

The following PDFs provide instructions for using ArcGIS.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Remember that this is a late start and Period 1 starts at 10:00am.

Welcome to the Library! Please find a collection of links that will support your research on Natural Disasters.

Period 1 – CGC1D1-11 – Grosney

Students are encouraged to use the Library Catalogue (See widget below) to find print/digital resources to support research.

Also, consider using the following links:

The Canadian Red Cross has resources that handle Natural Disasters both domestic and international. Additionally, they have an educational program that discusses Natural Disasters too.

Public Safety Canada has a fully interactive database of historic domestic disasters. The Canadian Disaster Database has detailed information that would be helpful to discuss historic significance.

The United Nations also has a more global approach with lots of details on all manners of disaster.

The APA Working File


Monday, November 6, 2017

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library! Please find a collection of links that will support your research on Natural Disasters.

Period 3 – CGC1D1-13 – Grosney

Students are encouraged to use the Library Catalogue (See widget below) to find print/digital resources to support research.

Also, consider using the following links:

The Canadian Red Cross has resources that handle Natural Disasters both domestic and international. Additionally, they have an educational program that discusses Natural Disasters too.

Public Safety Canada has a fully interactive database of historic domestic disasters. The Canadian Disaster Database has detailed information that would be helpful to discuss historic significance.

The United Nations also has a more global approach with lots of details on all manners of disaster.

The APA Working File

Period 4 – CGC1D1-12 – Grosney

Students are encouraged to use the Library Catalogue (See widget below) to find print/digital resources to support research.

Also, consider using the following links:

The Canadian Red Cross has resources that handle Natural Disasters both domestic and international. Additionally, they have an educational program that discusses Natural Disasters too.

Public Safety Canada has a fully interactive database of historic domestic disasters. The Canadian Disaster Database has detailed information that would be helpful to discuss historic significance.

The United Nations also has a more global approach with lots of details on all manners of disaster.

The APA Working File