Thursday, November 9
Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today
Welcome to the Library!
Period 1 – HFN2O1-11
Today Mr. Wong’s class will be covering how to write a Reference list using APA school formatting rules. The first step is to use the following document. The APA Working File
Remember the examples provided for you in class and consult with OWL @ Purdue for additional guidance. You can ask your Teacher-Librarians for assistance too.
On the Library Website, we’d suggest you look at the Health & Phys Ed resources found under our Search index. There you will find lots of vetted resources that cover health (and lack of health) issues across Canada and the world.
We’d also suggest you look at the different groups across Canada that address these particular diseases.
High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol
Heart Disease
Period 2 – ENG4C/E1-11
Your have the opportunity to read a book as part of your Culminating Assignment. A collection of books was laid out on the tables and cart and the Library Catalogue is also an option for you to find books.
Period 3 – ENG4U1-12