Monday February 26th, 2024

Period 1 – CHW3M – History of the World to the 16th Century

Hanging Gardens of Babylon, World History Encyclopedia

Mr Kosowan’s class will be coming to the Library to work on their Mesopotamian TripAdvisor assignment.

We suggest you use the following resources :

The Library Catalogue allows you remote access to our print, digital and streaming resources from anywhere at any time. To access this resource, you’ll simply need your TDSB log-in information.

Instead of just going to Google, you could also consult the following websites and databases as well:

Fordham University has created an Internet Sourcebook that provides primary source documents different civilizations and eras across History.

The Perseus Project: From TUFTS University, this collection of cultural, historic and literary sources from the Greco-Roman world provides you with excellent material.

Several other good websites to look at are Ancient History Encyclopedia, Ancient Mesopotami

Friday March 31st, 2023

Period 4 – CHW3M – History of the World to the 16th Century

Mr Kosowan’s class will be coming to the Library to work on their Egyptian Power Cards assignment and to refresh their knowledge of footnotes for referencing.

Portrait of Queen Twosret or Tausert at the walls of her tomb at the Valley  of the Kings (KV 14), Western Luxor 🖤 - Wonders of the Past 🏺✨ - Quora
Image of Queen Twosret from Historical Eve

We suggest you use the following resources :

The Library Catalogue allows you remote access to our print, digital and streaming resources from anywhere at any time. To access this resource, you’ll simply need your TDSB log-in information.

Instead of just going to Google, you could also consult the following websites and databases as well:

Fordham University has created an Internet Sourcebook that provides primary source documents different civilizations and eras across History.

The Perseus Project: From TUFTS University, this collection of cultural, historic and literary sources from the Greco-Roman world provides you with excellent material.

Several other good websites to look at are Ancient History Encyclopedia and Penn Museum.

One more thing to note, is reviewing how to create footnotes for this assignment.


Tuesday February 28th, 2023

Period 3 – CHW3M – History of the World to the 16th Century

Hanging Gardens of Babylon, World History Encyclopedia

Mr Kosowan’s class will be coming to the Library to work on their Mesopotamian TripAdvisor assignment.

We suggest you use the following resources :

The Library Catalogue allows you remote access to our print, digital and streaming resources from anywhere at any time. To access this resource, you’ll simply need your TDSB log-in information.

Instead of just going to Google, you could also consult the following websites and databases as well:

Fordham University has created an Internet Sourcebook that provides primary source documents different civilizations and eras across History.

The Perseus Project: From TUFTS University, this collection of cultural, historic and literary sources from the Greco-Roman world provides you with excellent material.

Several other good websites to look at are Ancient History Encyclopedia, Ancient Mesopotamians and Penn Museum.

Monday December 5th, 2022

Periods 1 & 2-CHC2D

Mr. Kosowan’s Grade 10 History classes will be coming in to research technological innovations of World War Two.

We suggest using the following resources.

The Canadian Encyclopedia – This thorough collection of resources covers most Canadian options, but also looks at the local impact of globally renowned individuals and their innovations. It also provides links and a bibliography for easy access. – This is a good starting point for general information.

You will need to search your innovation within these websites.

Science History Institute

Here are some other very useful resources you can pick up at the Laurier Virtual Library.

Resources for the CHC2O Included are the Virtual Library Catalogue,  Canadian Points of View and Global Issues in Context. 

Before you can access the database list, remember to indicate that you’re in Gr 9-12.

In some cases, using Google might be a good bet. Ask yourself the following questions though…

  1. Who created the information you’re using? Are they a trustworthy source? Why or why not?
  2. When was the information created? Is it out of date or premature maybe?
  3. Is there any implicit (or explicit) bias that you should take into account?

Wednesday March 4th, 2020

Welcome to Mr. Kosowan’s ENG 3U classes!

Please have a look at some of the resources that will help with your debate research topics.

The Virtual Library will be a good starting point, looking at online news sources as well as others.

Remember that when you are researching from home, the databases will be password protected. Use a learnmark or ask Mrs. Vilicic if you’ve forgotten the user ID & password.

The following links to websites may also be worth a look:

Fraser Institute

CDHowe Institute

The Broadbent Institute

Pew Research Center

Amnesty International

Also, as a reminder, remember that creating a Works Cited page in MLA is necessary for this assignment.

Use the document below (also found in Laurier Resources in the Library website) and OWL Purdue.


Thursday January 9th, 2020

Periods 2 & 3-CHV 201

Mr. Kosowan will be bringing his Civics classes to begin researching for their culminating assignment.


The Library has a collection of books that cover different decades in Canadian and North American history.  These books can be found in the 971 section under the Dewey Decimal System. Books with more American focused information can be found in 973.

The Canadian Encyclopedia – This thorough collection of resources covers most Canadian options, but also looks at the local impact of several globally renowned individuals. It also provides links and a bibliography for easy access.

The Canadian Historical Association has a collection of useful resources to support today’s Canadian History student.

Canada: A Country by Consent was created by Canadian Historians who were wanted Canadian-Content created by Canadian writers. It has articles about the major events of Canadian history.

The CBC archives provides you with access to thousands of audio clips and video clips that are easy to integrate into your presentation.


For this assignment, you will need to create a Bibliography.

The file discussed with the class for easy access can be found here

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Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Ms. Kelso or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.

Thursday December 12th, 2019

Periods 1 & 4-CHV201

Mr. Kosowan’s Civics classes will be coming to the library to research wrongfully convicted Canadians in preparation for their presentations.

Here are some links that you might find useful:

The Innocence Project

Innocence Canada formerly known as The Association in Defence of the Wrongfully Convicted (AIDWYC)

Injustice Busters

CBC Digital Archives

Wednesday November 27th, 2019

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Periods 2 & 3 – CHV201

Mr. Kosowan’s Civics classes are coming in to learn the basics of Chicago style bibliography and start their political party debate research.

You’ll find your assignment here:


One key piece of advice is to keep track of where you find your information while you are researching so that you can create your bibliography.

Below you’ll find the Laurier Guide for Chicago Citation.

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Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Ms. Kelso or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.

You have probably started researching your political party and your particular issue. The following links may be helpful in your research.

Conservative Party

Green Party

Liberal Party

New Democrat Party (NDP)

People’s Party of Canada

Media Primers on the Election platforms may also be useful:



Another fun resource from CIVIX (formerly known as StudentVote), an organization which supports the election, are a series of videos featuring leader’s responses to questions raised by students across the country.

Use the Virtual Library to access newspapers but be advised that they all have a limit to how many free articles you may access.

Using the database Global Issues in Context is another way to access newspaper articles.

Remember that when you are at home, access to the databases in the Virtual Library are protected and you must use a user id and password found on your learnmark.

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