The Extended Essay Timeline

These Extended Essay timeline are shared with the Cohort in the Fall of Year 1 and have been reissued at several points. Most dates are also found on the Managebac calendar.

The dates in this table are approximations meant for big-picture planning, for specific dates, please check  The Major Deadlines and Descriptors page.

March (Year 1)

Contract Completion
Mentors are paired with students via the Lottery

• Read through the EE Guide to ensure an understanding of all guidelines
• Complete EE Skillbuilder #1 and review with Mentor for Meeting #2
• Do some initial reading or research
• Initial Meeting(s) with Mentor
• Submit EE Contract for Supervision end of March to Mr. Kosowan
Late March or
Early April
(Year 1)
• Formal Reflection Session #1 (Mandatory)
• Review requirements for mandatory reflection sessions
• Prepare for and complete first formal reflection session with Mentor
• Submit reflection to Managebac in a timely fashion
Mid April (Year 1)

April Check-In
• Complete EE Skillbuilder #2 and review with Mentor
• Develop a working research question

• Question should be further refined by now
• You should have started your research/experiments by now
• Submit April Essay Check-in to Mr. Kosowan
End of April (Year 1)Initial Research

• Talk to Mr. Kosowan about finding resources if you need help
• Check in with mentor to discuss how things are going and ask questions
May (Year 1)

May Check-In
Rough Outlines

• Meet with mentor to seek guidance
• Use initial research to begin rough outlines and plan structure of EE
• Submit May Essay Check-in to Mr. Kosowan
Early June (Year 1)• Research should be in advanced stages by now
• Bibliographies to be reviewed with Mr. Kosowan
June (Year 1)

June Check-In
Writing the Rough Copy and Wrapping Up Research

• Spend time peer editing and working through what’s required of Essay
• Go over what you’ve accomplished so far with your mentor and have them read (if available) your initial product
• Great opportunity for feedback and direction before the Summer Break
• Submit June Essay Check-in to Mr. Kosowan
July and August
(Year 1)
Write, Refine, Edit, Write, Rinse, Wash, Repeat

• By now, your essay should be taking shape as you tinker with the mechanics, delivery and other aspects
September• Meet with mentor in early September to assess progress and standing.
• Review requirements for mandatory reflection sessions
• Prepare for and conduct second formal reflection session with Mentor
• Submit reflection to Managebac in a timely fashion
End of September
(Year 2)

September Submission
September Submissiont is Due At End of Month
• Mentor will read your Extended Essay and prepares feedback to student
• This is the last time your mentor will read your paper in full before submission in December so the paper should be a completed work in need of feedback, not a skeletal first effort.
October to December (Year 2)Mentor Reads it and Then Gives you Feedback

• Once you receive your draft back, edit and refine using their feedback
• Lesson on EE Formatting provided in Room 105
• Refine essay formatting to ensure compliance
Early December
(Year 2)
Final Due Date
Submit Completed Essay (Early December)

• Final Copy of Extended Essay submitted to via Managebac
• One print copy of Extended Essay submitted to Mr. Kosowan
• Do a dance, the hard work is done
Early January (Year 2)
to Early February
Mandatory Reflection Session #3
Exit Interview with Mentor

• Arrange to have the Viva Voce completed and the process is complete
• Review requirements for mandatory reflection sessions
• Submit final reflection to Managebac in a timely fashion
• Mentor determines a predicted grade based upon assessment criteria
Mid February (Year 2)Predicted Grades

• After Viva Voce is complete, Predicted Grade is submitted to Mr. Kosowan
Late February (Year 2)Submission to the IB

• Copy of essay submitted in December compiled and archived.
• Extended Essays are submitted electronically to the IBO
July (Year 2)The Envelope Please

• IBO reports marks to School Administrators. Results provided to mentors and candidates



  • You will not be able to accurately report a complete Predicted Grade until the Viva Voce is completed. This is because the 3rd mandatory student reflection is written after that meeting.
  • Reminding students to read check Managebac and the IB’s EE Guide before all meetings will help ensure students come prepared to lead all meetings with mentors.
  • If a student is having issues meeting deadlines, consultation with the E.E. Coordinator are recommended at early stages to help ensure conditions for success are provided.