Transmission to the I.B.

So, after nine-ten long months, your watch has ended.

The Essay is complete and you’ve held the Viva Voce with your student and completed your Supervisor’s Report.

Now what?

Well, I hope you and your student ended things on a positive note. You’ve offered a significant amount of help to the student over the last year and I hope that they appreciate all of your hard work.

Before we can put it completely to bed, we have a few steps to finish first.


  1. You need to submit the RPPF to me via email. Instructions for this can be found HERE. Please name the file as the “RPPF – Surname, Given Name.pdf”. This will make my life incredibly easier in terms of tracking down E.E. documents that need to be uploaded to the IBIS.
  2. You need to email me your Predicted Grade (A number grade out of 34) as well as the total amount of hours worked with the student.
  3. You should hold onto your The Extended Essay Assessment Criteria sheet. I do not need you to hand it in to me, but it would be prudent to hold onto in case of any I.B. appeal that’s made. Can’t hurt to keep it, right?

All of this needs to be completed before the Family Day weekend. So the Friday before Family Day is the day to mark on your calendar.

If you need any support, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email at