Monday, April 30th
Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today
Welcome to the Library!
Period 2 – PSK4U
Mr. Abdelnour’s Grade 12 class will be coming in today to begin work on the assignment.
Instead of just going to The Google, you’d all be well-served to consult the following databases.
Our Library Catalogue has excellent print, digital and streaming video resources. In terms of nutrition and physical training; you can find some good print resources that will support your work.
The series of databases has been developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) provides an extensive view of nutrition. Obviously, theirs is a more global perspective on nutrition, but provides some excellent details.
Health Canada has great resources that are well suited to your assignment in terms of food and nutrition.
To accurately track and tabulate nutritional information, you could use a service such as MyFitnessPal.
Canadians have been ignoring Canada’s Food Guide for years. Time to break the cycle. Using it to help support your dietary advice is just common sense.
The Dietitians of Canada provides articles and primers that are issue-based.