Tuesday December 18, 2018

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Period 3 – FSF3U1-14

Click here to download a copy of your assignment.

Ms. Forget’s Grade 11 French class is coming in to work on their research on francophones célèbres.

There’s a whole big world of French resources online, following these slides to take to you where you need to go.

French Resources

Also, have a look at some of the links here:

Academie Francaise
Google en francais
Je suis mort…
Artistes Visuels
Les Philosophes

The Whole French MLA thing

You’re all crackerjack citation experts at this stage of your academic careers, right? No, well…. that’s ok. For this particular assignment, we want you to create a basic Works Cited list, or as they say… “Ouvrages Cités”


Much of the rules for MLA in English are the same in French.

  • All sources are listed in alphabetical order
  • You use a hanging indent for the 2nd/3rd lines of each citation.
  • Your title is centred, with no special font stylings.

There are some different formatting concerns to be aware of though. Namely….

  • Guillemets are used instead of Quotation Marks.
    • In Microsoft Office or Google docs, use the following codes to insert your guillemets.
      • «Alt + 174
      • »Alt + 175
  • Use the accepted format for dates. Not capitalized with proper punctuation marks.
  • Remember that when in doubt, there is not a lot of support online for MLA citation in French. The Laurier Library is working on creating a comprehensive guide to help students with their  citations en français.


Follow the slides below to see what a citation should look like, based on the sorts of resources we’ll show you today.


The French Research Guide can also be found here.

Don’t forget that this is password protected.You’ll need to check the learnmark for the password.

Monday December 17, 2018

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Period 4 – PAQ2/3

Ms. Vieth’s class is coming in to research healthy diets.

We do have some cookbooks in the 640s. Check that section out.

Also we would recommend having a look at the following websites:

Canada Food Guide

Health Canada, Healthy Eating

Teen Health & Wellness, Food and Nutrition


Browse All Categories  for Diet and Health (Healthy Diets, Gluten-free, Healthy Makeovers) and Cooking Style (Vegan, etc.)

Make sure that you have a look at the ratings and reviews-sometimes they have valuable information, too!

Thursday, December 13th, 2018

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!


Period 1 – HSP3U

Ms. Magson’s class is coming in to learn the basics of Footnoting.

You’re now all experts (right?) in terms of creating a Bibliography. Congratulations. That’s no small feat.

The next step is to master the Footnote.

While a Bibliography provides your reader with a list of every resource you utilized, a Footnote shows from where every piece of research originated. 

These footnotes should correspond with what you find in the Bibliography.

Below you’ll find the Laurier Guide for Chicago Citation.

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Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Mr. Kosowan or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.


Look at this slide show for basics on how/where/when to use the Footnotes.

Also, here is an example essay file called From the dawn of time where you see how footnotes work.



Period 2 – HSB4U

Ms. Magson’s class is coming in to learn the basics of Footnoting.

You’re now all experts (right?) in terms of creating a Bibliography. Congratulations. That’s no small feat.

The next step is to master the Footnote.

While a Bibliography provides your reader with a list of every resource you utilized, a Footnote shows from where every piece of research originated. 

These footnotes should correspond with what you find in the Bibliography.

Below you’ll find the Laurier Guide for Chicago Citation.

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Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue and Chicago Manual of Style for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Mr. Kosowan or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.


Look at this slide show for basics on how/where/when to use the Footnotes.

Also, here is an example essay file called From the dawn of time where you see how footnotes work.

Wednesday December 12, 2018

Period 1 – CHV2O

Ms. Belevski’s class is coming in to work on their Case Study Assignment.

Researching an individual is much different than researching a theme or a topic. We’d suggest using the following resources.

The Canadian Encyclopedia – This thorough collection of resources covers most Canadian options, but also looks at the local impact of several globally renowned individuals. It also provides links and a bibliography for easy access.

Biographi.ca – This sources provides biographies on Canadians of note. Definitely a prime source of information.

Here are some other very useful resources you can pick up at the Laurier Virtual Library.

Resources for the CHV2O Included are the Virtual Library Catalogue,  Canadian Points of View and Global Issues in Context. 

Before you can access the database list, remember to indicate that you’re in Gr 9-12.

In some cases, using Google might be a good bet. Many groups & organizations may have their own websites. Look for .org & .com. Ask yourself the following questions though…

  1. Who created the information you’re using? Are they a trustworthy source? Why or why not?
  2. When was the information created? Is it out of date or premature maybe?
  3. Is there any implicit (or explicit) bias that you should take into account?

Finding the official website for Black Lives Matter, for example, will be a great place to get information about the movement, but for a balanced approach you should also use newspaper media and other analysis from reputable sources.


Remember where to find help creating footnotes and Bibliography in Chicago form.

You may need to refer to Laurier’s handy Chicago Style handout. The file can be found right here at Chicago Citation at Laurier.

Period 2 – CHV2O

Ms. Berdichevsky’s class is coming in to work on their Case Study Assignment.

Researching an individual is much different than researching a theme or a topic. We’d suggest using the following resources.

The Canadian Encyclopedia – This thorough collection of resources covers most Canadian options, but also looks at the local impact of several globally renowned individuals. It also provides links and a bibliography for easy access.

Biographi.ca – This sources provides biographies on Canadians of note. Definitely a prime source of information.

Here are some other very useful resources you can pick up at the Laurier Virtual Library.

Resources for the CHV2O Included are the Virtual Library Catalogue, Canadian Points of View and Global Issues in Context.

Before you can access the database list, remember to indicate that you’re in Gr 9-12.

In some cases, using Google might be a good bet. Many groups & organizations may have their own websites. Look for .org & .com. Ask yourself the following questions though…

  1. Who created the information you’re using? Are they a trustworthy source? Why or why not?
  2. When was the information created? Is it out of date or premature maybe?
  3. Is there any implicit (or explicit) bias that you should take into account?

Finding the official website for Black Lives Matter, for example, will be a great place to get information about the movement, but for a balanced approach you should also use newspaper media and other analysis from reputable sources.


Remember where to find help creating footnotes and Bibliography in Chicago form.

You may need to refer to Laurier’s handy Chicago Style handout. The file can be found right here at Chicago Citation at Laurier.

Period 3 – CHV2O

Ms. Kelso’s class is coming in to work on their Case Study Assignment.

As an example, let’s look at a teenager who saw a need and took the initiative to make a change for people who are homeless.

The Ladybug Foundation

Researching an individual is much different than researching a theme or a topic. We’d suggest using the following resources.

The Canadian Encyclopedia – This thorough collection of resources covers most Canadian options, but also looks at the local impact of several globally renowned individuals. It also provides links and a bibliography for easy access.

Biographi.ca – This sources provides biographies on Canadians of note. Definitely a prime source of information.

Here are some other very useful resources you can pick up at the Laurier Virtual Library.

Resources for the CHV2O Included are the Virtual Library Catalogue, Canadian Points of View and Global Issues in Context. and the Advanced Placement Source.

Before you can access the database list, remember to indicate that you’re in Gr 9-12.

In some cases, using Google might be a good bet. Many groups & organizations may have their own websites. Look for .org & .com. Ask yourself the following questions though…

  1. Who created the information you’re using? Are they a trustworthy source? Why or why not?
  2. When was the information created? Is it out of date or premature maybe?
  3. Is there any implicit (or explicit) bias that you should take into account?

Finding the official website for Black Lives Matter, for example, will be a great place to get information about the movement, but for a balanced approach you should also use newspaper media and other analysis from reputable sources.


Remember where to find help creating footnotes and Bibliography in Chicago form.

You may need to refer to Laurier’s handy Chicago Style handout. The file can be found right here at Chicago Citation at Laurier.

Period 4 – CHV2O

Ms. McMulkin’s class is coming in to work on their Case Study Assignment.

Researching an individual is much different than researching a theme or a topic. We’d suggest using the following resources.

The Canadian Encyclopedia – This thorough collection of resources covers most Canadian options, but also looks at the local impact of several globally renowned individuals. It also provides links and a bibliography for easy access.

Biographi.ca – This sources provides biographies on Canadians of note. Definitely a prime source of information.

In some cases, using Google might be a good bet. Many groups & organizations may have their own websites. Look for .org & .com. Ask yourself the following questions though…

  1. Who created the information you’re using? Are they a trustworthy source? Why or why not?
  2. When was the information created? Is it out of date or premature maybe?
  3. Is there any implicit (or explicit) bias that you should take into account?

Finding the official website for Black Lives Matter, for example, will be a great place to get information about the movement, but for a balanced approach you should also use newspaper media and other analysis from reputable sources.


Remember where to find help creating footnotes and Bibliography in Chicago form.

You may need to refer to Laurier’s handy Chicago Style handout. The file can be found right here at Chicago Citation at Laurier.



Thursday, December 6th

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Period 2 – CHC2P
Mr. Kert is bringing his Grade 10 History class to work on a World War II assignment.

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To make your lives easier, I suggest you look at the following places for research.

We’ve pulled a collection of books we think would be helpful for your research here.  They’re on a cart near the SmartBoard. Take a look!

The Laurier Librarians have created a list of 20th/21st Century Canadian History resources. This list of print sources covers important primary source documents that will help aid your research. We’ve labelled it as “CHC2D – Canadian History Primary Sources” It can be found HERE.

The Canadian Encyclopedia has information about most important Canadian history events/people. Definitely go here as it’s really easy to use and also has links to other sources that’ll make research even faster.

The Canadian Letters & Images Project archives the Canadian war experience from those who were there. You can search for real primary source documents by era, theme and location. You can find letters, photos or pretty much anything else you could use in terms of primary sources in Canada. Definitely a great resource.

Wednesday December 5, 2018

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Period 3 – FSF3U7

Mr. Matchett’s Grade 11 IB French class is coming in to work on their research on La culture francophone.

There’s a whole big world of French resources online, following these slides to take to you where you need to go.

French Resources

Don’t forget that Google will be a possible source, after you have changed the language from English to French, before searching your topic.

Advice….. for what it’s worth.

  • Pick something that you haven’t researched before. If you go down the same path, you won’t be terribly inspired.
  • Into sports? Instead of looking at Maurice Richard or the Montreal Olympics you could look at Youppi or why Quebec football teams are so dominant at the Highschool and University level?
  • Think creatively of what French resources you could research. TFO, TVA, CBC TelevisionTélé-Québec, RDS are all major sources of Quebec and Francophone culture…

Period 4 – HHS4U

Ms. Cross’s Families in Canada class will be coming in to work on their Culminating ISU Research.

For your research, have a look at the following links on the Virtual Library as well as the URL’s provided by Ms. Cross in your handout.


The Library’s Databases:
Advanced Placement Source and Global Issues in Context are two amazing databases.

The Library Catalogue allows you remote access to our print, digital and streaming resources from anywhere at any time. To access this resource, you’ll simply need your TDSB log-in information.



For this assignment, you will be using the APA school of citation. Remember that includes in-text citation and a References page at the end of the essay or report.

The file discussed with the class for easy access can be found here

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Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Mr. Kosowan or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Period 2 – PLF4M

Ms. Vieth’s Leadership class will be coming in to work on their Research.

For the research, may I suggest the following links on the Virtual Library?

The Canadian Encyclopedia
The Library’s Databases
The Players’ Tribune

Google might lead you down some useful paths, but for the most part; it can be inefficient. Try looking at associations your chosen person was affiliated with. Look at Professional, National, Regional or Municipal Sports Halls of Fame when looking at individuals associated with Canadian sport. Did you know there’s even a Scarborough Walk of Fame? Even the smaller facilities or halls of fame will include short biographies of these people.

Resources for the PLF4M


For this assignment, you will be using the APA school of citation. Remember that includes in-text citation and a References page at the end of the essay. We’ll go over the APA rules of formatting in depth on your second day with us.

The file discussed with the class for easy access can be found here

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Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Mr. Kosowan or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.


Period Four- CHW3M

Mr. Kosowan’s Grade 11 Ancient Civilization class will be coming to the Library to research for their Culminating assignment: Time Travelling Tourism Campaign.

We  suggest you use the following resources :

The Library Catalogue allows you remote access to our print, digital and streaming resources from anywhere at any time. To access this resource, you’ll simply need your TDSB log-in information.

In the Virtual Library, using the Search feature, indicating Grades 9-12, check EBSCO’s History database.

Instead of just going to Google, we advise that you consult the following databases as well.

Fordham University has created an Internet Sourcebook that provides primary source documents different civilizations and eras across History.


Another good website to look at is Ancient History Encyclopedia, found here:


Monday December 3, 2018

Periods 1 & 2 – FSF3U7

Mr. Matchett, Ms. Walk and Ms. Bunda’s Grade 11 IB French classes are coming in to work on their research on La culture francophone.

There’s a whole big world of French resources online, following these slides to take to you where you need to go.

French Resources


Advice….. for what it’s worth.

  • Pick something that you haven’t researched before. If you go down the same path, you won’t be terribly inspired.
  • Into sports? Instead of looking at Maurice Richard or the Montreal Olympics you could look at Youppi or why Quebec football teams are so dominant at the Highschool and University level?
  • Think creatively of what French resources you could research. TFO, TVA, CBC TelevisionTélé-Québec, RDS are all major sources of Quebec and Francophone culture…