Friday May 10th, 2019

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Period 2– CHV201

Ms. Cross’ Grade 10 Civics class will be coming into the library to start researching their debate topic.

Below you can find resources that will support your research.

As you’ll have to research both sides of the debate, be deliberate about your search terms. Remember that simply typing your question/theme/topic into a search bar will yield middling results. Think about all the synonyms for your search terms and you’ll be able to find excellent resources.


Remember that you will need to provide Mr. Kosowan with a bibliography in Chicago-style citation.

Remember to keep track of where you find your information and reference the examples in the document below. Things to remember are consistent font size and style, accurate spacing between entries, alphabetical order by author last name, hanging indentation and hyperlinks removed from the URLs.

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