Laurier Resources
Resources created to support the learning of Laurier community members can be found here as well as by searching in the Lessons for Classes tab.
MLA Citation at Laurier (Updated February, 2023)
This PDF was created for Laurier in the Spring of 2017 and has been updated several times over the years and reflects the current (9th) edition of the MLA school of citation. MLA is generally used when writing assignments in the field of Fine Arts, Languages or Literature.
APA Citation at Laurier (Updated May, 2022)
This PDF was created for Laurier in the Fall of 2017, and updated in April 2022 and reflects the current (7th) edition of the APA school of citation. APA is generally used when writing assignments in the field of Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Psychology.
Chicago Citation at Laurier (Updated May, 2022)
This PDF was created by Laurier LLC staff in the winter of 2017/2018 and updated in May of 2022. It is reflective of the expectations laid out in the Chicago Manual of Style. Chicago is generally used when writing assignments in the field of History, Economics and Geography.
This Powerpoint was presented to the IB Cohort in November, 2017. It details the “Laurier-Specific” format requirements for their Extended Essay.
Logging into the TDSB Virtual Library from home
Instructions on using our resources from home.