Friday, February 10th, 2023

Good morning, and welcome to the library.

Today’s a Book Talk kind of day! Our Favourite here!!!

Books Lol GIF by UdG

Period One: Ms. Gentile’s ESL-E class will be working with Ms. Vilicic to find exciting books for their assignment.

We’ll work hard to help you find the book of your dreams!

Period Two: Ms. Gentile’s ENG2D class will be working with Mr. Kosowan to find exciting books for their assignment.

We’ll talk about exciting selections in the major genres in the Library!

Period Three: Ms. Gentile’s ENG2D class will be working with Mr. Kosowan to find exciting books for their assignment.

We’ll talk about exciting selections in the major genres in the Library!

Wednesday, March 21st

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Period One- ENG3C
Ms. Muzzi’s ENG3C class is coming to the Library to select a novel for their Independent Study.

Selecting “the right” novel is the an incredibly important part of this process. If you pick a book that bores you, your assignment will definitely bore everyone else.

So, how do you pick a good book?

For the students present today, our Library Staff will spend time with you and discuss how to pick a great book, or where you can find different books in our Library.

If you were absent, you can try the following, or ask a Teacher Librarian for help.

Using the Catalogue
The Library’s Catalogue also will allow you on-site and remote access to our Print, Electronic and Streaming Video Collection.

Here’s some advice.

  1. Do you have a favourite author? If so, pick a book they’ve written which you have not read to avoid reruns.
  2. Do you have a favourite movie? Or maybe a favourite video game? Knowing that genre might give us more to work with.
  3. You can try reading the back of a book, but keep in mind that those are written by people trying to get you to buy the book. They’re going to make that book seem as exciting as they can, right?
  4. You can use Goodreads, which has general synopsis and a lists of great reads, defined by genre.
  5. Ms. Muzzi has asked that your book be age appropriate and at least 200 pages long. Keep that in mind while searching.