Thursday, April 12th

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Period Two – HIF1O1

Ms. McWilliam’s Grade 9 Family Studies class is coming down to work on their healthy snacks assignment.

Click here for Canada’s Food Guide (2011)

Ms. McWilliams has provided some great links that offer healthy snacks. They can be found below.

Period Three- CGC1D

Ms. Sandoval-Castro’s Grade 9 Geography class is coming in to work on their landform regions research.

  1. The Canadian Government’s Natural Resources Department has an excellent Canadian Atlas, providing information on Canadian geography by region. It would be an excellent source.
  2. Canadian Geographic has an excellent Online Atlas that also has information about Canada’s landforms.
  3. WorldAtlas provides basic landform information.
  4. Our Virtual Library has great databases for your research purposes.
  5. The Library’s Catalogue provides you access to our print, digital and streaming collection.


Also, we need to talk a bit about Death by PowerpointAlso, there is Death by GoogleSlide and Death by Prezi.


Ms. Vilicic will discuss bad presentations.

Death by Prezi

Wednesdsay, April 11th

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Period Two – CGC1D7

Ms. Sandoval-Castro’s Grade 9 Geography class is coming in to work on their landform regions research.


  1. The Canadian Government’s Natural Resources Department has an excellent Canadian Atlas, providing information on Canadian geography by region. It would be an excellent source.
  2. Canadian Geographic has an excellent Online Atlas that also has information about Canada’s landforms.
  3. WorldAtlas provides basic landform information.
  4. Our Virtual Library has great databases for your research purposes.
  5. The Library’s Catalogue provides you access to our print, digital and streaming collection.


Also, we need to talk a bit about Death by PowerpointAlso, there is Death by GoogleSlide and Death by Prezi.


Mr. Kosowan and Ms. Vilicic will show examples of bad presentations.
Some of which will be shared here.

Death by Prezi


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Wednesday, March 7th

Period 1 – CGW4U1

Ms. Sandoval-Castro’s Grade 12 Canadian & World Issues class is working in the Library on their Essay. The specifics of what is expected can be found HERE.

From what we understand, students are writing an essay about a Global Issue.

The Library’s Databases

The Advanced Placement Source would be a great resource for this assignment. It provides access to academic journals and sources for which you would otherwise have to pay.

Also, Canadian Points of View and Global Viewpoints, which can be found at the same link above, provide exactly what their titles claim. They would be incredibly useful.

The Library Catalogue

The Catalogue will also will allow you on-site and remote access to our Print, Electronic and Streaming Video Collection. You can also access the CBC archives through this portal, which has a great deal of resources.




For this assignment, you will be using the APA school of citation. Remember that includes in-text citation and a References page at the end of the essay. We’ll go

The file discussed with the class for easy access can be found here The APA Working File.

Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Mr. Kosowan or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.