Using Managebac – Student Edition

Managebac is a incredibly useful interface that allows you to interact with your mentor during the Extended Essay process.

If you are unsure about how to log in/access Managebac, please ask Mr. Kosowan for help. The direct link is


Managebac – designed to help organize your E.E. Process

Basically, you will receive updates via email every time an update is made to Managebac. This includes messages from your mentor or Mr. Kosowan. It is also an excellent place for you to interact with your mentor in a way that allows you to review notes and arrange for meetings/consultation.

Sending messages back and forth

Instead of using emails or messages sent through Home Form, the use of the Managebac messaging feature is suggested. This is a clear and simple way to keep track of communication between mentors and students. An email is automatically generated when a message is sent, and this is far easier than hunting through an overfilled Inbox.

The Extended Essay Proposal and To-Do features

All students are expected to maintain an updated E.E. Proposal. This allows your mentor and E.E. Coordinator to be able to track your progress and provide guidance as necessary.

The To Do list also helps you frame activities to support you on the way to major deadlines. Items on this list can be created by yourself, your mentor or the Coordinator.



The Calendar

Deadlines, workshops and meetings are all listed on your Managebac Cohort Calendar. Subscribing them through iCal is recomennded.

Uploading Files/Assignments

Uploading your assignments through Managebac when required is important. Make sure you follow the steps below in the Slideshow to be aware of this system.


  • When it is time to submit your Extended Essay for assessment, you'll need to find the deadline on the Managebac Calendar. While the deadlien will be in December, but the date here is for illustrative purposes only.


The Researcher’s Reflection Space
The RRS is a Research Diary, which allows students to keep track of their progress. By highlighting successes and failures here, the Mandatory reflections become significantly easier to handle. In addition, this RRS is viewable by your Mentor and Coordinator, meaning it can be used to share videos, images, diagrams and documents that will help you on your journey and give them context from which to provide you help.

Video Tutorials

A series of tutorials were created in the early spring of 2018 to support student use of Managebac as a tool for their Extended Essays.

Module 1: Covers the E.E. Worksheet, used to prepare your proposal, plan activities and communicate with your mentor.

Module 2: Covers the Researcher’s Reflection Space (RRS) and the Reflections on Planning and Progress form (RPPF). These are two crucial parts of the Extended Essay process with the RPPF being the sole source for assessment under Criterion E.

Module 3: Covers the Managebac Calendar and Messages feature, which is how students can be aware of all upcoming deadlines and workshops. It is also where I.B. Faculty update the Cohort on important information.

Module 4: Presents the Official Extended Essay Guide for students.