Laurier’s Internal Deadlines

To help students prepare for the I.B.s major completion deadline as well as their suggested timelines for Extended Essay reflection, Laurier uses a set of Internal Deadlines.

These deadlines are set to reflect expected levels of progress in different subject areas. They are posted on Managebac with reminders emailed to the Cohort.

All students are expected to meet these deadlines. Repeated lateness for Laurier’s Internal dates are considered and weighed appropriately.

Adherence is tracked with feedback being shared with mentors regularly.

If a student requires assistance, consultation with Mr. Kosowan, the Extended Essay Coordiantor and their mentor are highly recommended. When we are aware of issues preventing a student from meeting expectations, action can be taken to help support that student by getting back on track.

Not consulting with either Coordinator or mentor though is unacceptable. Repeated infractions are handled with consequences in line with the TDSB’s Progressive Discipline policy.

Instead of meetings with your mentor, Extended Essay Coordinator, I.B. Programme Coordinators, School Administrators or Parents; it would behoove one to get ahead of all deadlines and seek help when possible.