Thursday, May 4th, 2023

Period 1 & 2 – NAC10

Welcome Ms. Nikkel’s Grade 9 Indigenous Art classes!

You are here today to CELEBRATE Indigenous artists, not to mention in-person learning!!!

There are a few good ways to search artists, musicians, etc. for your assignment. The first way is to look at the Virtual Library using Canadian Encyclopedia. This is a very reputable and trustworthy source. Remember that you first have to use the yellow FIND tile, select your grade range (9-12) and in this case, the subject should be Indigenous Studies.

When you have the Canadian Encyclopedia open, a good search term to use is: Influential Indigenous (Enter 1 of the following categories: Musicians/Artists/Authors/Actors/Writers/Entrepreneurs & Activists) in Canada.
For example: Influential Indigenous Musicians in Canada or Looking for an Indigenous Author or Wordsmith?

If you know who you want to research, Google their name. They may already have their own website.

If you know the artist’s name you can also have a look at the following websites: McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Canadian Geographic, Widewalls, Toronto Arts Council, The National Gallery of Canada, DaVic Gallery-Native Canadian Arts

The Ontario Performing Arts Presenting Network has a series of resources about Indigenous Art and Artists across Ontario. Resource List: Indigenous Art and Artists | Ontario Performing Arts Presenting Network (

Youtube may also be useful in terms of adding video clips; just remember to spell their name correctly when searching for clips.


Wednesday, May 1st

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Period 1 – CHC2D7

Mr. Philippou’s Grade 10 Pre-IB Canadian History class will be starting work on their Indigenous Unit.

Students will download each of these documents and complete the questions found on each page.

Document One: Residential Schools

Document Two: Residential Schools Documents

Document Three: Achievements

Document Four: Truth & Reconciliation

Document Five: The White Paper


Period 2 – PSK4U

Mr. Abdelnour’s Grade 12 class is continuing work on their Integrated Healthcare assignment.