Thursday May 2, 2024

Welcome to the Library, Ms. Vieth’s PAF30 Class!

As you begin to research mental illnesses for your Mental Health Challenge assignment here are some good starting points to finding and accessing quality resources.


To access media resources, search your mental health illness using our Catalogue; found on the Virtual Library. The Catalogue provides you access to streaming video and other digital resources. You’ll need to log in with your TDSB information to access the Catalogue as well as use the digital document for passwords to Learn360 and CBC Curio. (see note in red below)

To access a reliable database such as Advanced Placement Source, you’ll need to go through the Virtual Library, click on the yellow FIND button, choose  Grades 9-12 and it will be the first entry you see. It is Password Protected. The login and passwords for EBSCO databases like AP Source and Global Issues in Context are listed on the digital document accessible on the home page of the Virtual Library in the top right corner, through the orange tile labelled PASSWORDS.

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is also a great resource accessed through the Virtual Library as well. It is an external source/website and therefore not password protected.

Teen Health and Wellness is another good starting point, accessible through the Virtual Library and password-protected from home.

External links that may be helpful:

A valuable resource is the Vanier Institute of the Family, which has excellent research on mental health and its impact upon families. Use the Search feature to find information on your illness/disorder.

The Government of Canada website may be helpful.

Using the search box in Healthlink B.C.’s websitemay help you find information about your topic as a starting point.

Quebec’s government webpage for mental health may also yield some initial results.

There are websites and organizations specific to some illnesses such as Tourette’s Syndrome so that may be an option to look into as you are researching.

As well, keep track of your sources of information so that you can format your Reference list in APA style.

Here’s a handy PDF to help you as well as a link to OWLPurdue.


Thursday October 26, 2023

Welcome to the Library, Ms. Vieth’s PPL2/3/4 Class!

You’re here today to research mental illnesses for your assignment.

For this assignment, you’ll need quality resources from different areas.


To access media resources, use our Catalogue; found on the Virtual Library. The Catalogue provides you access to streaming video and other digital resources. You’ll need to log in with your TDSB information to access the Catalogue as well as use the digital learnmark for passwords to Learn360 and CBC Curio. (see note in red below)

To access a reliable database such as Advanced Placement Source, you’ll need to go through the Virtual Library, click on the yellow FIND button, choose  Grades 9-12 and it will be the first entry you see. It is Password Protected. The login and passwords for EBSCO databases like AP Source and Global Issues in Context are listed on the digital learnmark accessible on the home page of the Virtual Library in the top right corner.

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is also a great resource accessed through the Virtual Library as well. It is not password protected.

Teen Health and Wellness is another good starting point, accessible through the Virtual Library and password-protected from home.

External links that may be helpful:

A valuable resource is the Vanier Institute of the Family, which has excellent research on mental health and its impact upon families. Use the Search feature to find information on your illness/disorder.

The Government of Canada website may be helpful.

Using the search box in Healthlink B.C.’s websitemay help you find information about your topic as a starting point.

Quebec’s government webpage for mental health may also yield some initial results.

There are websites and organizations specific to some illnesses such as Tourette’s Syndrome so that may be an option to look into as you are researching.

As well, keep track of your sources of information so that you can format your Reference list in APA style.

Here’s a handy PDF to help you as well as a link to OWLPurdue.


Wednesday October 25th, 2023

Period 1-PLF4M-Ms. Vieth

Today, we’ll be discussing the use of APA citation for your Leaders Study Biography Assignment.

APA Citation
This form of citation helps students show the source of their research and is quite simple to accomplish. We’ll talk about how we write a References list together in class and talk about why it’s important to know how to do it properly.

You can download our APA Primer in PDF form Here, or view it below in your browser’s PDF viewer.


We also recommend the use of OWL Purdue as a resource for all types of citation.

Wednesday December 21st, 2022

Welcome Ms. Vieth’s PPL2 & PPL3/4!

We’re here to talk to you about APA Citation and how to find information for your assignments.

This Primer on APA will help explain the basics of how you’ll be citing your work within a report as well as how to create the “References” list.


OWL Purdue is another option if you need help with APA citation.

As for research, today we’re going to look within the TDSB’s Virtual Library for information that will best support your topics/assignment.

Remember to select your Grade range (9-12) and subject area (Science &/or Health) before starting to search in the yellow FIND tile.

Other options include:

Remember that the databases are password-protected and some of the passwords have changed since last year. You will need to be logged into AW to access these resources. Look for the orange Passwords & Info icon in the Virtual Library.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is passwords-info-image-2.png
You’ll see this at the top of the Virtual Library page.

Friday October 4th, 2019

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Period 4 – PSK4U

Ms. Vieth’s class is coming in to work on their social issues in sport assignment.

You might want to check out the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sports website if you are looking at issues within Canadian or relating to Canadian athletes.

Also the CBC archives may have news clips related to past events relating to social issues in Sport.

Here are some useful resources you can pick up at the Laurier Virtual Library.

Included are the Virtual Library Catalogue, Canadian Points of View, Global Issues in Context and Advanced Placement Source.

Thursday September 5th, 2019

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Period 3-PSK4U

Ms. Vieth’s Kinesiology class will be coming in to research a sports role model.

For the research, may I suggest the following links on the Virtual Library?

The Canadian Encyclopedia
The Library’s Databases
The Players’ Tribune

Google might lead you down some useful paths, but for the most part; it can be inefficient. Try looking at associations your chosen person was affiliated with. Look at Professional, National, Regional or Municipal Sports Halls of Fame when looking at individuals associated with Canadian sport. Did you know there’s even a Scarborough Walk of Fame? Even the smaller facilities or halls of fame will include short biographies of these people.

Resources for the PLF4M


For this assignment, you will be using the APA school of citation. Remember that includes in-text citation and a References page at the end of the essay. We’ll go over the APA rules of formatting in depth on your second day with us.

The file discussed with the class for easy access can be found here

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Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Ms. Kelso or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.

Monday April 8th, 2019

Periods 2 & 3 – PPL10F

Ms. Vieth’s Grade 9 Health Classes will be working on research for their sexual health assignment on STIs/Contraception.

The Virtual Library has several websites that have the information that you are looking for. Remember to use the SEARCH feature, click on Grades 9-12, and your subject which is Health and PE.

Teen Health and Wellness

Kids Health

Learn 360


For this assignment, you will be using the APA school of citation. Remember that includes a References page or slide at the end of the advertisement.

The file discussed with the class for easy access can be found here The APA Working File.

Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Ms. Kelso or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.

Friday February 22, 2019

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Period 4 – PSK4U

Ms. Vieth’s class is coming in to work on their social issues in sport assignment.

You might want to check out the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sports website if you are looking at issues within Canadian or relating to Canadian athletes.

Also the CBC archives may have news clips related to past events relating to social issues in Sport.

Here are some useful resources you can pick up at the Laurier Virtual Library.

Included are the Virtual Library Catalogue, Canadian Points of View, Global Issues in Context and Advanced Placement Source.

Monday December 17, 2018

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Period 4 – PAQ2/3

Ms. Vieth’s class is coming in to research healthy diets.

We do have some cookbooks in the 640s. Check that section out.

Also we would recommend having a look at the following websites:

Canada Food Guide

Health Canada, Healthy Eating

Teen Health & Wellness, Food and Nutrition


Browse All Categories  for Diet and Health (Healthy Diets, Gluten-free, Healthy Makeovers) and Cooking Style (Vegan, etc.)

Make sure that you have a look at the ratings and reviews-sometimes they have valuable information, too!

Tuesday, October 30

Period 2 – PPL10F

Ms. Vieth’s Grade 9 Health Class will be working on research for their sexual health assignment.

The Virtual Library has several websites that have the information that you are looking for. Remember to use the SEARCH feature, click on Grades 9-12, and your subject which is Health and PE.


For this assignment, you will be using the APA school of citation. Remember that includes a References page or slide at the end of the advertisement.

The file discussed with the class for easy access can be found here The APA Working File.

Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Mr. Kosowan or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.

Period 3 – CGC1D

Ms. Sandoval-Castro’s Grade 9 Geography Class will be working on research for their natural disasters assignment and talking about what makes a good slide show.

The Virtual Library has several websites that have the information that you are looking for. Remember to use the SEARCH feature, click on Grades 9-12, and your subject which is Geography.


For this assignment, you will be using the APA school of citation. Remember that includes a References slide at the end of the slide show.

The file discussed with the class for easy access can be found here The APA Working File.

Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Mr. Kosowan or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.