Friday, October 26th

Period 1 – CPW4U1-12

Mr. Philippou’s Grade 12 Politics class is working on their assignment. Well, hopefully. I guess we’ll see.

Period 2 – CHC2D1-11

Ms. Gandhi’s Grade 10 History class is working on their Roaring 20s assignment.

The Library has a collection of books that cover different decades in Canadian and North American history.  These books can be found in the 971 section under the Dewey Decimal System. Books with more American focused information can be found in 973.

The Canadian Encyclopedia – This thorough collection of resources covers pretty much every topic you’d want to research in Canadian history. Remember to use alternate search terms to find more resources. Also look in associated links of each article to find related information.

In terms of popular culture and photos/videos/song; CBC Curio would be a great source as well.

The Canadian Historical Association has a collection of useful resources to support today’s Canadian History student.

Canada: A Country by Consent was created by Canadian Historians who were wanted Canadian-Content created by Canadian writers. It has articles about the major events of Canadian history.

The CBC archives provides you with access to thousands of audio clips and video clips that are easy to integrate into your presentation.

The Library Catalogue

The Catalogue will also will allow you on-site and remote access to our Print, Electronic and Streaming Video Collection. You can also access the CBC archives through this portal, which has a great deal of resources.


For this assignment, you will be using the Chicago school of citation. Today, we will talk about how to generate a Bibliography.

The file discussed with the class for easy access can be found here

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Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Mr. Kosowan or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.


Period 3 – ENG3U7-14

Mr. Welsh is bringing his Grade 11 IB English class to work on their reflective statement.

Wednesday, April 4th

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Period One- ENG2D7 

Mr. Welsh’s Grade 10 Pre-IB English class will be coming to the Library to continue their research for their debate.

Information from yesterday’s Library session can be found HERE.

Periods Two & Three- ENG1D

Mr. Welsh’s Grade 9 Academic English class is coming in to work on their Real Heroes Assignment. To find information about your heroes, we suggest you use the following resources.

  1. The Library Catalogue allows you remote access to our print, digital and streaming resources from anywhere at any time. To access this resource, you’ll simply need your TDSB log-in information. Using this catalogue, you’ll be able to find the Biography for your Heroic Person.
  2. The Canadian Encyclopedia is an excellent source of information for Canadian individuals (or for those with ties to Canada).
  3. JSTOR provides students with a powerful and easy-to-use database for academic pursuit.
  4. The Toronto Star Historic Database, which can be found on the Toronto Public Library’s Website, allows readers to access articles from the newspaper’s archives.

Also, we need to talk a bit about Death by PowerpointAlso, there is Death by GoogleSlide and Death by Prezi.


Mr. Kosowan and Ms. Vilicic will show examples of bad presentations.
Some of which will be shared here.

Death by Prezi


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Tuesday, April 3rd

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Period Two – ENG2D7 

Mr. Welsh’s Grade 10 Pre-IB English class will be coming to the Library to continue their research for their debate.

The following links provide students with access on and off site.

We’ll go over each of these sources and discuss how they help you best use a Research Tool Kit.

Periods 3 & 4

Coop students will be holding a Career Fair in the Library’s West Wing. Students from Careers/Civics classes are invited to come see the exciting placements our Coop students have been enjoying this year.