Friday October 18, 2019

Periods 1 & 4-CHV 201

Mr. Kosowan will be bringing his Civics classes to begin researching for their culminating assignment.


The Library has a collection of books that cover different decades in Canadian and North American history.  These books can be found in the 971 section under the Dewey Decimal System. Books with more American focused information can be found in 973.

The Canadian Encyclopedia – This thorough collection of resources covers most Canadian options, but also looks at the local impact of several globally renowned individuals. It also provides links and a bibliography for easy access.

The Canadian Historical Association has a collection of useful resources to support today’s Canadian History student.

Canada: A Country by Consent was created by Canadian Historians who were wanted Canadian-Content created by Canadian writers. It has articles about the major events of Canadian history.

The CBC archives provides you with access to thousands of audio clips and video clips that are easy to integrate into your presentation.


For this assignment, you will need to create a Bibliography.

The file discussed with the class for easy access can be found here

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Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Ms. Kelso or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.

Period 2- CHW3M

Mr. Kosowan will be bringing his Ancient History class in to begin researching for their Egyptian Buzzfeed assignment.

Here is the assignment:


On page 2 of your assignment, you will see examples of listicles.
Click on the links below for more examples of Buzzfeed listicles:

Kids of the 90s

People You Wish You Knew

28 Useful Products for Anyone Who’s On the Go

We also suggest you use the following resources :

The Library Catalogue allows you remote access to our print, digital and streaming resources from anywhere at any time. To access this resource, you’ll simply need your TDSB log-in information.

Instead of just going to Google, you’d all be well-served to consult the following database as well.


As part of your presentation, you will need to show your sources in a Bibliography using Chicago style. Remember that your audience needs to see what’s on your slide, so make sure that you choose a suitable font & size.

Another good website to look at is Ancient History Encyclopedia .

Remember where to find help creating footnotes and Bibliography in Chicago form.

You may need to refer to Laurier’s handy Chicago Style handout. The file can be found right here at Chicago Citation at Laurier.

An example of a slide would look like this: