Researching using news sources can be done through the Virtual Library as well as using Google. (Remember to keep track of where you found your information so that formatting your Works Cited list will be easy!)
It is crucial to properly reference information that is not your own in order to give credit where it’s due and also to avoid PLAGIARISM. Providing your teacher with a URL for a website used isn’t acceptable anymore
Using the following information will put you on the right track to creating a Works Cited list to be proud of!
Below you’ll find the Laurier Guide for MLA Citation.
Have a look at this video for help with parenthetically embedding citations within the body of your work.
Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Mr. Kosowan and Mrs. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.
Researching using news sources for your Current Events Analysis can be done through the Virtual Library as well as using Google. (Remember to keep track of where you found your information so that formatting your Works Cited list will be a breeze!)
It is crucial to properly reference information that is not your own in order to give credit where it’s due and also to avoid PLAGIARISM. Providing your teacher with a URL for a website used unfortunately will not cut it anymore
Using the following information will put you on the right track to creating a Works Cited list to be proud of!
Below you’ll find the Laurier Guide for MLA Citation.
Have a look at this video for help with parenthetically embedding citations within the body of your work.
Remember to look at OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Mr. Kososwan & Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.
Researching using news sources can be done through the Virtual Library as well as using Google. (Remember to keep track of where you found your information so that formatting your Works Cited list will be a breeze!)
It is crucial to properly reference information that is not your own in order to give credit where it’s due and also to avoid PLAGIARISM. Providing your teacher with a URL for a website used unfortunately will not cut it anymore
Using the following information will put you on the right track to creating a Works Cited list to be proud of!
Below you’ll find the Laurier Guide for MLA Citation.
Have a look at this video for help with parenthetically embedding citations within the body of your work.
Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Mr. Kososwan, Ms. Vilicic and Ms. Syniura go when we’re looking for information about citation.
Today, we’re welcoming Ms. Muzzi’s Grade 11/12 Drama class to the Library.
Ms. Muzzi wants you to find theatre reviews of current plays, which can be tricky.
Do we really need to know what a random person on TikTok thinks about The Shark is Broken? Probably not.
What you need are real reviews, ideally from people who know what they’re talking about.
So, with that, I’ve gathered a collection of websites that should really help.
Toronto Specific Sites
Now Toronto This biweekly publication is a Toronto institution, and its theatre reviews have been a part of their work since being founded in 1981. You’ll be able to read theatre reviews of plays (small and large) from their resident critics. Free and topical, it’s a great source.
Stage-Door The “oldest theatre review website in Ontario was founded in 1994 to cover all theatre-related news in southwestern Ontario”. Their goal is to “chronicle the wealth of theatre in the province through news, reviews and production listings.” They have archived reviews and they are written professionally with an eye to proper critiquing standards.
International Sites Broadway World Featuring reviews of plays on Broadway and in countries all over the world, including Canada, Broadway World provides a list of abstracts of full reviews are featured with links to the full review. In some cases, it’ll bring to a Paywall end (Like the NYT or WSJ) but in other cases, you can access the full review (I.e., Variety, New York Stage Review, etc.,). For example, click HERE for a collection of reviews about The Piano Lesson.
New York Theatre Guide Discover more about Broadway shows playing right now and find out more about Broadway theatre in New York City. New York Theatre Guide employs multiple critics to cover a wide range of Broadway shows in order to ensure a diversity of opinion. Scroll through recent and past Broadway show reviews from New York Theatre Guide below.I can’t imagine it’d take more than 10 minutes to show them how to access those sites and they’d have the rest of class to get to the nitty-gritty.
Researching using news sources can be done through the Virtual Library as well as using Google. (Remember to keep track of where you found your information so that formatting your Works Cited list will be a breeze!)
It is crucial to properly reference information that is not your own in order to give credit where it’s due and also to avoid PLAGIARISM. Providing your teacher with a URL for a website used unfortunately will not cut it anymore
Using the following information will put you on the right track to creating a Works Cited list to be proud of!
Below you’ll find the Laurier Guide for MLA Citation.
Have a look at this video for help with parenthetically embedding citations within the body of your work.
Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Mr. Kososwan, Ms. Vilicic and Ms. Syniura go when we’re looking for information about citation.
The Library has a collection of books that cover different decades in Canadian and North American history. These books can be found in the 971 section under the Dewey Decimal System. Books with more American focused information can be found in 973.
The Canadian Encyclopedia – This thorough collection of resources covers most Canadian options, but also looks at the local impact of several globally renowned individuals. It also provides links and a bibliography for easy access.
Canada: A Country by Consent was created by Canadian Historians who were wanted Canadian-Content created by Canadian writers. It has articles about the major events of Canadian history.
The CBC archives provides you with access to thousands of audio clips and video clips that are easy to integrate into your presentation.
For this assignment, you will need to create a Bibliography.
The file discussed with the class for easy access can be found here
Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Ms. Kelso or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.
Period 2- CHW3M
Mr. Kosowan will be bringing his Ancient History class in to begin researching for their Egyptian Buzzfeed assignment.
The Library Catalogue allows you remote access to our print, digital and streaming resources from anywhere at any time. To access this resource, you’ll simply need your TDSB log-in information.
Instead of just going to Google, you’d all be well-served to consult the following database as well.
As part of your presentation, you will need to show your sources in a Bibliography using Chicago style. Remember that your audience needs to see what’s on your slide, so make sure that you choose a suitable font & size.
Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Ms. Kelso or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.
Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Ms. Kelso or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.
You have probably started researching your political party and your particular issue. The following links may be helpful in your research.
Another fun resource from CIVIX (formerly known as StudentVote), an organization which supports the election, are a series of videos featuring leader’s responses to questions raised by students across the country.
Use the Virtual Library to access newspapers but be advised that they all have a limit to how many free articles you may access.
Remember that when you are at home, access to the databases in the Virtual Library are protected and you must use a user id and password found on your learnmark.