Tuesday, May 31st and June 1st, 2022

Good morning scholars and welcome back to the Library

Periods 1 & 2 – IB. Cohort – Class of 2023

Today, the Grade 11 Cohort will be coming down to discuss research tactics and resources to prepare for the upcoming Extended Essays.


Subject Specific Guides
The I.B. writes subject-specific guides to help students and mentors navigate the specifics for their subject. There, you’ll find information that will help you with initial reading and research on the way to crafting a Research Question. It’s a great resource!

The Virtual Library and Advanced Placement Source
The TDSB has spent lots of money on some very good resources. I’d especially recommend Advanced Placement Source. We’ll talk a bit about how to find off-site passwords and cover the mechanics of this Database and how to use it effectively.

Toronto Public Library Resources
The TPL has subscriptions to Academic OneFile and JSTOR, which are both excellent resources for your research. To access them, you’ll need your Toronto Public Library login/password. If you don’t have one yet, there’s no time like the present, and there’s a branch at the plaza!

Secondary Resources for Papers
While this might apply for all students, it’s important to remember that many of the E.E. topics require an examination of what “the field” has to say about the topic. Whether that’s analyzing what historians say about a particular era, or literary theorists might say about Dickensian fiction; you’ll need to look at “the experts”. By looking at some of the databases found on the Virtual Library or TPL, you can find what the experts in your field have to say about issues relating to your Research Question. Addressing those expert opinions in your paper is an incredibly sound strategy, and you’re all highly encouraged to look for that kind of research. We can go over some of the tips/tricks for finding that.

Citation Resources
At Laurier, we have locally created materials that cover the APA, MLA and Chicago schools of citation. You should utilize those guides to help support your citation. Another valuable resources is OWL @ Purdue, which we also consult with citation-related inquiry as Teacher-Librarians.

Subject Reports
The I.B. releases Subject Reports on a semi-annual basis to provide feedback to IB Schools, Mentors and future writers of the Essay. Here, for you, can you find a ZIP file with oodles of great information on what to do and what not to do.

2018 Reports (ZIP File)

2021 Reports (ZIP File)

Monday May 16, 2022

Period 4-CHC2D

Welcome Mr. Woodley’s Grade 10 History class! Today begins our series of classes in the quest to creating an outstanding history research essay.

For research purposes, we’ll base our start in the Virtual Library. (Remember that many databases are password-protected from home).

  1. The Library Catalogue allows you remote access to our print, digital and streaming resources from anywhere at any time. To access this resource, you’ll simply need your TDSB log-in information.
  2. The Canadian Encyclopedia is an excellent source of information for Canadian individuals (or for those with ties to Canada).
  3. The History databases and websites within the Virtual Library may be helpful. Just remember to choose Grade 9-12 and History as the Subject in the yellow FIND tile.

Our second discussion will revolve around embedding quotes within your essay which follows MLA school of citation.

In English classes you may have cited novels or short stories or poems parenthetically using MLA, which involves the author and page number from the text.

For Mr. Woodley’s class many of your sources will be online so that changes things a little bit.

To embed quotes, there are a few simple guidelines to remember:

  1. No lonely quotes!
  2. Run-In and/or Run-Out
  3. Peppering a quote

Finally, when in doubt, OWL Purdue is a great resource for all of your citation needs.

Remember that you will need to include a Works Cited page using  MLA school of Citation. It is crucial to properly reference information that is not your own in order to give credit where it’s due and also to avoid PLAGIARISM. Providing your teacher with a URL for a website used unfortunately will not cut it anymore.

Using the following information will put you on the right track to creating a Works Cited page to be proud of!

Below you’ll find the Laurier Guide for MLA Citation.


Friday, May 6th, 2022

Good morning y’all and welcome to the Library. Have to say; it’s great to have the website back up and running!

Excited Jimmy Fallon GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Today’s Classes

Period 2 & 3- Ms. Bulloch’s SBI3C1 Classes

You’re coming in to continue your research on Bacteria. Not the fun kind though, from yogurt commercials. The nasty ones. The Pathogens….

Walking Dead Zombie GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski

Researching these topics should be straight-forward, but let me tell you how I’d tackle it.

Tip One: The Wikipedia Hack
Sure, you’re Grade 8 teacher probably told you that Wikipedia is bad. That nasty Wikipedia would try to fool you with fake news, right? Well, not so fast. While it’s not a great source to put ON an assignment, the good people at Wikipedia have to show their resources, and mining the Wikipedia Reference page is an excellent way to find valuable sources about your topic!

Screenshot of Wikipedia entry for Botulism. See those tasty resources, ready for you to use!

Tip Two: Library Databases
The TDSB and the Ministry of Education have spent a great deal of money on amazing research databases for students just like you! We’ll talk about some of those when you’re in.

Tip Three: The CDC – Centre for Disease Control
The American CDC has amazing resources on the pathogens you’re looking to research. It’s a must-use as I see it.

Tip Four: Health Canada’s Diseases and Disorders
Health Canada’s database of diseases and disorders give you Canadian Content that should help you with their research.

Period 4 Ms. Veliu – CHV2O1 – Civics & Citizenship

It is crucial to properly reference information that is not your own in order to give credit where it’s due and also to avoid PLAGIARISM. Providing your teacher with a URL for a website used unfortunately will not cut it anymore

Using the following information will put you on the right track to creating a bibliography to be proud of! (Remember to keep track of where you found your information so that formatting your bibliography will be a breeze!)

Below you’ll find the Laurier Guide for Chicago Citation.


Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Mr. Kosowan and Mrs. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.

Tuesday May 3rd, 2022

Welcome to the Library, Ms. Magon’s HSP3U Class!

Ms. Magson’s Grade 11 Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology class will be coming to the Virtual Library to research their Mental Illness Case File assignment.

For this assignment, you’ll need quality resources from different areas.

Resources for HSP

To access media resources, use our Catalogue; found on the Virtual Library. The Catalogue provides you access to streaming video and other digital resources. You’ll need to log in with your TDSB information to access the Catalogue as well as use the digital learnmark for passwords to Learn360 and CBC Curio. (see note in red below)

To access a reliable database such as Advanced Placement Source, you’ll need to go through the Virtual Library, click on the yellow FIND button, choose  Grades 9-12 and it will be the first entry you see. It is Password Protected. The login and passwords for EBSCO databases like AP Source and Global Issues in Context are listed on the digital learnmark accessible on the home page of the Virtual Library in the top right corner.

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is also a great resource accessed through the Virtual Library as well. It is not password protected.

Teen Health and Wellness is another good starting point, accessible through the Virtual Library and password-protected from home.

External links that may be helpful:

A valuable resource is the Vanier Institute of the Family, which has excellent research on mental health and its impact upon families. Use the Search feature to find information on your illness/disorder.

The Government of Canada website may be helpful.

Using the search box in Healthlink B.C.’s websitemay help you find information about your topic as a starting point.

Quebec’s government webpage for mental health may also yield some initial results.

There are websites and organizations specific to some illnesses such as Tourette’s Syndrome so that may be an option to look into as you are researching.