Tuesday April 4th, 2023
Period 3-ENG3U
Welcome Mr. MacDonald’s Grade 11 English class! Today we’ll review where to find quality sources for research, and how to embed and cite sources in order to create an outstanding persuasive essay.
For research purposes, we’ll base our start in the Virtual Library. (Remember that many databases are password-protected from home).

- The Library Catalogue allows you remote access to our print, digital and streaming resources from anywhere at any time. To access this resource, you’ll simply need your TDSB log-in information.
- The Canadian Encyclopedia is an excellent source of information for Canadian individuals (or for those with ties to Canada).
- Websites within the Virtual Library such as Canadian Points of View and Gale in Context: Global Issues may be helpful. Just remember to choose Grade 9-12 and All Subjects in the yellow FIND tile.

The second part of this review will revolve around embedding quotes within your essay which follows MLA school of citation.
In English classes past you may have cited novels or short stories or poems parenthetically using MLA, which involves the author and page number from the text.
For Mr. MacDonald’s assignment many of your sources will be online so that changes things a little bit.
To embed quotes, there are a few simple guidelines to remember:
- No lonely quotes!
- Run-In and/or Run-Out
- Peppering a quote
Finally, when in doubt, OWL Purdue is a great resource for all of your citation needs.
Remember that you will need to include a Works Cited page using MLA school of Citation. It is crucial to properly reference information that is not your own in order to give credit where it’s due and also to avoid PLAGIARISM. Providing your teacher with a URL for a website used unfortunately will not cut it anymore.
Using the following information will put you on the right track to creating a Works Cited page to be proud of!
Below you’ll find the Laurier Guide for MLA Citation.