Thursday May 2, 2024

Welcome to the Library, Ms. Vieth’s PAF30 Class!

As you begin to research mental illnesses for your Mental Health Challenge assignment here are some good starting points to finding and accessing quality resources.


To access media resources, search your mental health illness using our Catalogue; found on the Virtual Library. The Catalogue provides you access to streaming video and other digital resources. You’ll need to log in with your TDSB information to access the Catalogue as well as use the digital document for passwords to Learn360 and CBC Curio. (see note in red below)

To access a reliable database such as Advanced Placement Source, you’ll need to go through the Virtual Library, click on the yellow FIND button, choose  Grades 9-12 and it will be the first entry you see. It is Password Protected. The login and passwords for EBSCO databases like AP Source and Global Issues in Context are listed on the digital document accessible on the home page of the Virtual Library in the top right corner, through the orange tile labelled PASSWORDS.

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is also a great resource accessed through the Virtual Library as well. It is an external source/website and therefore not password protected.

Teen Health and Wellness is another good starting point, accessible through the Virtual Library and password-protected from home.

External links that may be helpful:

A valuable resource is the Vanier Institute of the Family, which has excellent research on mental health and its impact upon families. Use the Search feature to find information on your illness/disorder.

The Government of Canada website may be helpful.

Using the search box in Healthlink B.C.’s websitemay help you find information about your topic as a starting point.

Quebec’s government webpage for mental health may also yield some initial results.

There are websites and organizations specific to some illnesses such as Tourette’s Syndrome so that may be an option to look into as you are researching.

As well, keep track of your sources of information so that you can format your Reference list in APA style.

Here’s a handy PDF to help you as well as a link to OWLPurdue.


Wednesday April 17, 2024

Periods 1, 2, 3 & 4SNC2D

Welcome Scientists! You are here to work on your Organ System Diseases Research assignment.

So, why are the Librarians involved? Great question.

We’re here to talk to you about citation and how to find information for your work.


This Primer on APA will help explain the basics of how you’ll be citing your work within a report as well as how to create the “References” list.


OWL Purdue is another option if you need help with APA citation.

As an alternative to starting with Google, we’re going to look at TDSB’s Virtual Library for your research.

Remember to select your Grade range (9-12) and subject area (Science &/or Health) before starting to search in the yellow FIND tile.

Some options to consider:

Remember that the databases are password-protected and some of the passwords have changed since last year. You will need to be logged into AW to access these resources. Look for the orange Passwords & Info icon in the Virtual Library if you’re researching at home.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is passwords-info-image-2.png
You’ll see this at the top of the Virtual Library page.

Monday February 26th, 2024

Period 1 – CHW3M – History of the World to the 16th Century

Hanging Gardens of Babylon, World History Encyclopedia

Mr Kosowan’s class will be coming to the Library to work on their Mesopotamian TripAdvisor assignment.

We suggest you use the following resources :

The Library Catalogue allows you remote access to our print, digital and streaming resources from anywhere at any time. To access this resource, you’ll simply need your TDSB log-in information.

Instead of just going to Google, you could also consult the following websites and databases as well:

Fordham University has created an Internet Sourcebook that provides primary source documents different civilizations and eras across History.

The Perseus Project: From TUFTS University, this collection of cultural, historic and literary sources from the Greco-Roman world provides you with excellent material.

Several other good websites to look at are Ancient History Encyclopedia, Ancient Mesopotami

Thursday February 8th, 2024

Periods 3 & 4- Ms. Wray’s HFA 4C & 4U classes

Welcome Nutritionists!

APA Citation
This form of citation helps students show the source of their research and is quite simple to accomplish. We’ll talk about how we write a References list and talk about why it’s important to know how to do it properly.

You can download our APA Primer in PDF form Here, or view it below in your browser’s PDF viewer.


OWL Purdue is also another good source for reference help.

Watch this video for in-text referencing:

Databases and Research

  1. The AP Source found HERE provides students with excellent peer-reviewed journals with tools to help organize and cite research. It’s the most powerful database we have.
  2. The Library Catalogue provides you with remote access to our digital and streaming media collection. It also allows you to search the print collection to see what books will be available for circulation.
  3. We’ll also discuss how to use our Academic Databases and how to find passwords if working virtually.

Remember that the databases are password-protected and some of the passwords have changed since last year. You will need to be logged into AW to access these resources. Look for the orange Passwords & Info icon in the Virtual Library.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is passwords-info-image-2.png
You’ll see this at the top of the Virtual Library page.

Slide Presentation and Citing Images

Your slide presentation needs visuals which in turn need to be cited in APA. In this situation you need to reference the source of the visual and unfortunately stating Google Images as the source will not suffice.

Simply put, you may NOT cite Google. It is a search engine, not a source. You have to dig deeper to cite images that are found through Google.

Here are a couple of short videos that may help you in this process, both of which I have permission to share with you.

The first one is valuable in that it shows where to find images that are free to be used in Google.

The second one shows how to cite images that may or may not have all of the information that you need.

These videos give slightly different information in terms of the placement of the date. The first video shows the date placed immediately after the creator’s name and no mention of the type of image.

The second video shows the creator’s name, the type of work and then the date.

Which one is accurate? The main difference is that the creator’s role (photographer) is mentioned in the second video as well as the type of image [photograph].

We’ll visit the Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue to see what they have to say.

Here is the format:

Creator’s last name, Creator’s first name initial. (Year of publication). Title of image [type of image]. Source. URL (hyperlink removed)

Here is an actual example:

Ryan, S. (2019). [Sea smoke on Lake Michigan] [Photograph] New York Times

Note: if the image does not have a title, describe the image and put that description in square brackets.

Brock University and Simon Fraser University also have included great examples of citing images that you can reference as well.

From Brock U.
7.2: Using Images on Slides

If you use images, such as photographs or clipart, on your slides, you should also credit the source of the image. Do not reproduce images without permission. There are sources for clipart and images that are “public use” according to Creative Commons licensing such as:

Photographs are treated as figures in APA Style. Therefore, the citation for the source of the image is included as a footnote in the figure caption underneath the photograph which includes the figure number and a description. The source of the image obtained is attributed using the following model:

Figure 1. Blah blah blah. From Title of Image, by Author, Year. Retrieved from URL.

Infinite loop sculpture

Figure 1. Photograph of a sculpture in Cupertino, California. From Infinite Loop II by Kurafire (2007, January 3).  Retrieved from

Another option for citing image sources is to create a separate slide titled “Photo credits” or “Image Sources”. For more assistance on the various ways to cite images in presentations (but not necessarily in APA format), see:

For more assistance in creating figures in APA Style, see the following sections & pages of the Publication Manual, 6th edition:

  • 2.12 Footnotes (pages 37 -38)
  • 5.20 – 5.25 Figures (pages 150 – 167)

Now that you know what you’re looking for, there are lots of places to look for images or illustrations for this assignment that are covered by Creative Common licenses which means that you can share and edit the material as long as you give appropriate credit.

Pixabay, Pexels, Unsplash, Wikimedia Commons, ScienceImage, Public Health Image Library, Britannica Image Quest in the Virtual Library.

Monday December 11th, 2023

Periods 3 & 4 – NAC10

Welcome Ms. Nikkel’s Grade 9 Indigenous Art classes!

You are here today to CELEBRATE Indigenous artists!!!

There are a few good ways to search artists, musicians, etc. for your assignment. The first way is to look at the Virtual Library using Canadian Encyclopedia. This is a very reputable and trustworthy source. Remember that you first have to use the yellow FIND tile, select your grade range (9-12) and in this case, the subject should be Indigenous Studies.

When you have the Canadian Encyclopedia open, a good search term to use is: Influential Indigenous (Enter 1 of the following categories: Musicians/Artists/Authors/Actors/Writers/Entrepreneurs & Activists) in Canada.
For example: Influential Indigenous Musicians in Canada or Looking for an Indigenous Author or Wordsmith?

If you know who you want to research, Google their name. They may already have their own website.

If you know the artist’s name you can also have a look at the following websites: McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Canadian Geographic, Widewalls, Toronto Arts Council, The National Gallery of Canada, DaVic Gallery-Native Canadian Arts

The Ontario Performing Arts Presenting Network has a series of resources about Indigenous Art and Artists across Ontario. Resource List: Indigenous Art and Artists | Ontario Performing Arts Presenting Network (

Youtube may also be useful in terms of adding video clips; just remember to spell their name correctly when searching for clips.


Tuesday December 5th, 2023

Period 1-ENG4U

Welcome to the library, Ms. McMulkin’s class!

Today you’re here to do some research connected to your novel.

Two great databases are Global Issues in Context and Literary Reference Center both found in the Virtual Library. They are password-protected when you’re at home so make sure you know where to find them in the Virtual Library. (Hint: look for the Orange Passwords Icon)

An external source that provides a good, neutral overview of countries and their history, political situations, etc is the CIA World Factbook.

As a reminder, it’s a good idea to keep track of your information and the sites you use so that you are easily able to format your Works Cited page in MLA.


Wednesday November 29th, 2023

Welcome to the Library, Ms. Naveenakumar’s HSP3U Class!

Ms. Naveenakumar’s Grade 11 Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology class will be coming in today to research their Mental Illness Case File assignment.

For this assignment, you’ll need quality resources from different areas.

Resources for HSP

To access media and other resources, use our Catalogue; found on the Virtual Library. The Catalogue provides you access to books, streaming video and other digital resources. You’ll need to log in with your TDSB information to access the Catalogue as well as use the digital learnmark for passwords to Learn360 and CBC Curio from home. (see note in red below)

To access a reliable database such as Advanced Placement Source, you’ll need to go through the Virtual Library, click on the yellow FIND button, choose  Grades 9-12 and it will be the first entry you see. It is Password Protected. The login and passwords for EBSCO databases like AP Source and Global Issues in Context are listed on the digital learnmark accessible on the home page of the Virtual Library in the top right corner.

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is also a great resource accessed through the Virtual Library as well. It is not password protected.

Teen Health and Wellness is another good starting point, accessible through the Virtual Library and password-protected from home.

External links that may be helpful:

A valuable resource is the Vanier Institute of the Family, which has excellent research on mental health and its impact upon families. Use the Search feature to find information on your illness/disorder.

The Government of Canada website may be helpful.

Using the search box in Healthlink B.C.’s websitemay help you find information about your topic as a starting point.

Quebec’s government webpage for mental health may also yield some initial results.

There are websites and organizations specific to some illnesses such as Tourette’s Syndrome so that may be an option to look into as you are researching.

*Remember to keep track of where you find your information so that you can easily format your Bibliography as your final step in this assignment.

Wednesday November 29th, 2023

Period 1-CHC2D1

Welcome Grade 10 Historians! Today you will be researching Canada’s past and current peacekeeping missions and role in peacekeeping for your podcast.

Ms. Green has provided you with credible links and we would also recommend using the Virtual Library to access information. In addition there are several links that we think would be useful:

Canadian War Museum

Veterans Affairs

As always, remember to save your the links to your resources to make creating your Works Cited a breeze!


Remember that OWLPurdue is another good place to help with any citation needs, including MLA.

Tuesday November 28th, 2023

Periods 4-CHC2D7

Mr. Kosowan’s Grade 10 History class will be coming in to research technological innovations of World War Two.

We suggest using the following resources.

The Canadian Encyclopedia – This thorough collection of resources covers most Canadian options, but also looks at the local impact of globally renowned individuals and their innovations. It also provides links and a bibliography for easy access. – This is a good starting point for general information.

You will need to search your innovation within these websites.

Science History Institute

Here are some other very useful resources you can pick up at the Laurier Virtual Library.

Resources for the CHC2O Included are the Virtual Library Catalogue,  Canadian Points of View and Global Issues in Context. 

Before you can access the database list, remember to indicate that you’re in Gr 9-12.

In some cases, using Google might be a good bet. Ask yourself the following questions though…

  1. Who created the information you’re using? Are they a trustworthy source? Why or why not?
  2. When was the information created? Is it out of date or premature maybe?
  3. Is there any implicit (or explicit) bias that you should take into account?

Tuesday November 21st, 2023

Period 1-HIF10-Ms. Wray

Today, we’ll be discussing the use of databases and websites for your Social Science research and APA citation.

Databases and Research

  1. The Library Catalogue provides you with remote access to our digital and streaming media collection. It also allows you to search the print collection to see what books are available for circulation.
  2. Other sources are easily accessed in the Virtual Library under the yellow FIND tile, such as Teen Health and Wellness, Kids Help Phone, Teens Health and CAMH. Remember to choose Grades 9-12, All Resources and Health and PE for this assignment.
  3. We’ll also discuss how to use our Academic Databases such as Canadian Reference Center and how to find passwords if you’re working virtually.
  4. Remember to keep track of any sites that you use so that you can format your References list easily.

APA Citation
This form of citation helps students show the source of their research and is quite simple to accomplish. We’ll talk about how we write a References list together in class and talk about why it’s important to know how to do it properly. Don’t forget to use parenthetical citations in the body of your work, leading Ms. Wray to the full entry in your Reference list.

You can download our APA Primer in PDF form Here, or view it below in your browser’s PDF viewer.


Don’t forget to use OWLPurdue for any questions about citing using APA.

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