Tuesday, November 30th, 2021

Welcome to the Library and Learning Commons!

It’s a snowy day out there today. Hope you brought spare shoes. 🙂

Morning session – Maharaj – CHV2O1 – Civics & Citizenship

It is crucial to properly reference information that is not your own in order to give credit where it’s due and also to avoid PLAGIARISM. Providing your teacher with a URL for a website used unfortunately will not cut it anymore

Using the following information will put you on the right track to creating a bibliography to be proud of! (Remember to keep track of where you found your information so that formatting your bibliography will be a breeze!)

Below you’ll find the Laurier Guide for Chicago Citation.


Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Ms. Kelso or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.

Afternoon Session – Liang – SNC2D

Mr. Liang’s Grade 10 Science class will be coming down to learn about Fake News.



We’ll talk about:

  • The Spread of Fake News
  • How to assess a source
  • Taking a deep dive on Bill Nye
  • Bad Presentations and How to Avoid Them

You’ll be back in the library later this week to learn about APA Citation.