Thursday September 5th, 2019

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Period 3-PSK4U

Ms. Vieth’s Kinesiology class will be coming in to research a sports role model.

For the research, may I suggest the following links on the Virtual Library?

The Canadian Encyclopedia
The Library’s Databases
The Players’ Tribune

Google might lead you down some useful paths, but for the most part; it can be inefficient. Try looking at associations your chosen person was affiliated with. Look at Professional, National, Regional or Municipal Sports Halls of Fame when looking at individuals associated with Canadian sport. Did you know there’s even a Scarborough Walk of Fame? Even the smaller facilities or halls of fame will include short biographies of these people.

Resources for the PLF4M


For this assignment, you will be using the APA school of citation. Remember that includes in-text citation and a References page at the end of the essay. We’ll go over the APA rules of formatting in depth on your second day with us.

The file discussed with the class for easy access can be found here

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Remember to look to OWL @ Purdue for other questions that arise about citation. It’s where Ms. Kelso or Ms. Vilicic go when we’re looking for information about citation.

Friday February 22, 2019

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Period 4 – PSK4U

Ms. Vieth’s class is coming in to work on their social issues in sport assignment.

You might want to check out the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sports website if you are looking at issues within Canadian or relating to Canadian athletes.

Also the CBC archives may have news clips related to past events relating to social issues in Sport.

Here are some useful resources you can pick up at the Laurier Virtual Library.

Included are the Virtual Library Catalogue, Canadian Points of View, Global Issues in Context and Advanced Placement Source.

Monday, April 30th

Curated Resources for Classes in the Library Today

Welcome to the Library!

Period 2 – PSK4U

Mr. Abdelnour’s Grade 12 class will be coming in today to begin work on the assignment.

Instead of just going to The Google, you’d all be well-served to consult the following databases.


Our Library Catalogue has excellent print, digital and streaming video resources. In terms of nutrition and physical training; you can find some good print resources that will support your work.

The series of databases has been developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) provides an extensive view of nutrition. Obviously, theirs is a more global perspective on nutrition, but provides some excellent details.

Health Canada has great resources that are well suited to your assignment in terms of food and nutrition.

To accurately track and tabulate nutritional information, you could use a service such as MyFitnessPal.

Canadians have been ignoring Canada’s Food Guide for years. Time to break the cycle. Using it to help support your dietary advice is just common sense.

The Dietitians of Canada provides articles and primers that are issue-based.



Thursday, March 8th

Period 1 – CHY4U1

Ms. Gaudette’s Grade 12 History class is working in the Library on their Essay. A PDF of the assignment can be found here.

JSTOR is an excellent resource for the Humanities. Whilst logged into the TDSB network, there are no ID/PW issues. When using the database remotely, remember that you are provided access to JSTOR through your Toronto Public Library card. Please check the TPL’s website for information.

Fordham University has created an Internet Sourcebook that provides primary source documents different civilizations and eras across History.

The Library’s Catalogue also will allow you on-site and remote access to our Print, Electronic and Streaming Video Collection.


You will be using the 17th updated version of the Chicago Manual of Style.

Yes, there is now a 17th Edition. Which means the old PDF or printout you’ve used in the past is now obsolete. You are welcome to take it out of your binder and (safely and neatly) throw it into the Blue Bin. Shooting for 3 works, but I’d suggest an aggressive dunk.

The new file can be found right here at Chicago Citation at Laurier.

The basics are unchanged, but we feel that this new resource will provide you with a thorough overview of the expectations laid out by the 17th Edition of the Chicago Manual of Style.

Look at this slide show for basics on how/where/when to use the Footnotes.

Here is an example essay file called From the dawn of time where you see how footnotes work.


Period 2 – PSK4U

Mr. Abdelnour’s PSK4U class will be continuing work on their injuries assignment. Please click here for the details on what resources you were shown.